from 7.30am of today onwards, i was very pissed off.
the school told us not to write bad things about the teachers in the blog, if not you will be suspended from school for three days like some girls from other school. we are not allowed to criticise others in the blog. and their names CANNOT freakingly be mentioned. and all we can do is to express our thanks and gratitude to others. some of us may be thinking of setting a password for the blog. school says that with the technology today, nothing is impossible. means everyone can view your blog. to sum up all, DON'T BLOG ABOUT YOUR HATRED TOWARDS OTHERS!
ha! like hello!!! wake up!!! our lives are not that wonderful and amazing as you think it will be. we don't live everyday like a sunday. we bound to meet with incidents that annoy us, irritate us, and make us darn infuriated. you mean, your life is always so cheerful? you always thank others, including those who piss you off? if you ask ten of the students, i tell you, 10 of them will agree with me - hell no. so you are trying to suggest that even if someone criticises about the way your parents bring you up, you won't be angry, at all? i doubt you won't.
tell me, how do you define blog? "a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author." as quoted from personal journal and reflects the personality of the author. the only difference between blog and the journal we used to keep in a book form is that one is easily read by others through internet and one is not easily read unless you allow. we have our anger but we can't express it in our blog. then you tell me, what's the use of a blog? you must as well close down all blog hosting sites and forbid anyone to have their own blog. everyone shall stick to writing out our journal with pen on paper then. this will save all the trouble.
personal right. freedom of speech. yes, i know. there's always a limit to it. but not to the point when the person's name cannot be even replaced by a she or he? no. more like, the person cannot be described to a point so clearly that everyone knows who the person is. then, i suppose there's no point to blog. it's not even like we are cursing the person to be run over by a 1000-tonnes lorry. you can go around everyone's blog and all they blog about is," thank you so-and-so. i totally appreciate what you've done for me. i love you lots." yikes.
come on, this world is filled with many types of people. you will adore some people, and hate some other people. as a human being, you will have your likes and dislikes. that's very normal. you can't possibly like everything right? not to even mention everyone.
blog is where most of us express our emotions and thoughts. many a times we don't intend to even hurt anyone with what has been mentioned in our blog. well, at least for me, i don't. it just depends on your sensitivity level towards the issue brought up.
back in school, some teachers[i'm not trying to mention any names. i'm just giving examples. can't? suspend me from school then.] have their own mood of the day and they may just blow up and scream at the class, then i don't see why students can't have their own way of thinkings and feelings towards the issue. ok. put the teachers and students aside. just you and your friend. if your friend enters the classroom and starts spitting you with his/her saliva, how will you react? i'm not surprised if you will start screaming a few vulgarities out of you mouth or you even start attacking your friend back. it's just human nature.
my whole point is, why can't we just express our feelings freely? even doing the most personal thing has required us to be cautious about what we write. how personal can it be now. it's not as if i writing about racism(i love my malay and indian friends, okay.). plus, it's all this emotions that spice up our lives, isn't it? if everyone is happy with each other, and no one's an eyesore to whoever, life is going to be so plain and boring. even tv serial dramas showcase conflicts among people, then i really don't see why it won't happen in reality.
the whole thing is so crapped up. what's going with this world?
le noir;
9:16 AM
alright. it should be in chronological order if you read it from below. but oh well. i love esplanade.
my second and last syf with the band.
my first syf with the band.
not forgetting my lovable band. aiya. i miss you guys so much. muacks to my band. the so-called 4 bimbos. no lor. i'm not a bimbo. neo.brenden. miss every single one of them. and thanks for helping us. =) haha. i know shud will scream at me if i put this up. i thought she looked cute what. we were actually reading the cards[just A4 paper folded into half] that our section made. totally touched.
drunk fern and me. band's farewell tradition: waterbombing.
me.shud.afiq.fern.yeelu.clem.ze. that's during our farewell bbq that night.
le noir;
9:15 PM
go ahead and laugh your ass off. you should.
i need a good camera.
me feeding mel with haagen dazs ice cream.
bottom to top: bimbo fern, shud, me.
this picture is creepy. you can see three different images. two of them are our reflections and the last is of an old couple.
other than the first two pictures, the rest are from bimbo fern. thanks ah.
le noir;
3:59 AM
this afternoon i went out with mel. we were supposed to get my fbt shorts and go back to library to mug. but. haha. we hang out till 5 plus.
met her up at 12.30pm. did lots of catch up with her. i'm more of a listener than an advicer. i enjoy listening. yup. so we headed down to queensway shopping centre. i've been exposed to town pretty often and i hardly remember going to queensway shopping centre. a shopping mall that basically sells sports equipment and clothings, not forgetting sports shoes. got my fbt shorts and we walked around the place. beadstreet is a uber good place for accessories, ranges from bands to chandelier earrings to exotic necklaces. very nice shop. there are two beadstreet on the same level. love that shop. then, mel brought me around. we went in to a shop that sells limited edition stuff. i like the nike bag that mel eyed on earlier. nice nice. if only i have the cash.
after which, we headed to ikea. i'm going to get a noticeboard, containers, paintings, and many many other stuff after o's to revamp my room. and i'm going paint my walls to other colours. white is so... boring. mel got some stuff and yeah. by that time, it was already 4 plus. got back to woodlands at 5pm. mel went back to library cos she left her books all there with marjorie. and i went to get some groceries for mum. went walking around causeway point on my own. and i got myself revlon's mascara and sally hansen's nail polish.
yesterday night, me and fern were discussing what to do after o's. i got so assholically excited. and i just realise i will be having heaps heaps heaps of fun from 23rd nov onwards. 23rd nov to 25th nov is my chalet with my pals. 26th nov is my cousin's wedding. 28th to 30th nov is chalet with my 30th ncos. cheerios!
le noir;
10:29 AM
we were discussing about class chalet this morning. aye aye. i got so excited about it. just one month and ... 26 more days!
went through amaths paper 2 and physics paper 2 today. didn't get back the paper though. but the teachers went through it and i realised i made a lot of careless mistakes. the worst is the LDR thing for physics. i got mixed with the resistance when there's light shining over it. i ought to be shot dead.
ah pa neo sure knows how to make me happy.
my words in this colour
mr neo's words in this colour
u training sec one bass clarinetist ah?
aiyo u all really can pass news real fast
haha no lah. i met pau xian just now then she told me
oic. haha
aren't u happy to have another descendant
one haven train until good yet then comes another one. but nvm mah u train
well since both no good can train at the same time
actually i wanted to ask u to loan one bass clarinet for me to play after my o's =X
i have
please please
where u wanna use it
where? in sch lah
so can hor. wahaha.
i bringing down my prestige after band resume
so by then ur o level not finished yet
but i will go back for one practice or two like that
they playing ross roy and jericho after band resumes is it?
aiyo u all ah
ba gua sial
yeah they are playing
they told me
wah shuang lor.
anyway u played before right
jericho i played before
aiyo they so san ba
why shuang le
can play all the low low notes mah.
nvm i'll go back and play
then that Hua Qing would be stressed
let them play enka leh =XXXXX
they will be playing
its one of the pieces for next yr orientation
i want to play
anyway when u bringing down the new pieces?
band resume
17th is it?
i just want to say i miss band a lot. thinking that i can play bass clarinet again in around three weeks time makes me really very joyful lah. *libing beams*
le noir;
8:31 AM
prelims were over. let's wait for the depressing results.
went to esplanade. enjoyed the top view. had fun chatting with each other. everyone was happy. took LOTS of pictures. went to eat seoul garden at taka after that. the food was great. so long since i last eaten so much meat. we had fun shopping. walking around orchard and enjoying every bit of that place. we went to music shops to look at scores and musical gifts. then, we looked at earrings, necklace, bracelets, clothings, shoes and bags. very nice stuff out there. then, we chilled out at some cafe, sipping cappuccino, reminiscing our band life and many many memories. we then went off and ended our day happily.
if only that happened, i'll be the happiest girl for today.
but sadly, it didn't.
was out with siying, melydia, shud and fern. yes, we did went to esplanade. we went to the rooftop. the weather was burning so took a few pictures and rushed back for shelter. the new rooftop looked kind of crowded with all the grass, plants and wooden steps. i missed that place. it's a whole different sensation when it's during the evening and night time. totally.
melydia and siying were very very hungry so we went off to supposedly seoul garden. but, they did not like the idea of ingesting so much oily stuff into their body so they decided that we shall have japanese food. we went to marina square and siying dashed into genki sushi. food available pretty much suck. i am not a very tea person, so i found the green tea kind of disgusting. we decided to eat soup dumplings so we put down our pride and went off. we were there for barely 15 minutes. we went to the opposite shop that looked much more lively. imperial something. the la mian was alright. xiao long bao tasted good cos the soup was good.
we went to play bowling. for the first time in the whole of my life, i had a strike in the first round. had some fun there. imitated the man beside our lane. he perked up his ass for a strike. so i suggested siying to do the same. it turned out pretty much comical. then, when first game ended, mely and siying went to play pool with shud's ez-link cos both of them were under 16. three of there were left there, playing a five person game. bah.
went around and siying bought a scrapbook at irins [i think so.]. nice scrapbook. notebooks and boxes there are very nice. the price is not that friendly though. but worth it because of the quality you get.
went to surfer girl. saw yanni and xiyao there. singapore is so small. anyway, the salesgirl was very hostile. she just stared at people. i wonder why she should stare when the shop is such a bright and cheerful place. i fell in love with a paul frank watch.
and that's the end. we spent the whole day in city hall. my my.
a kind of disappointing day. my intention of going town today went very wrong. and i'm pretty much mad about it. and i burst into freaking few drops of tears. i said before, i'm a tearpot. i felt so dumb for crying over such stuff. i just very mad. and maybe it's the period.
nevermind. saturday will be the day. i better enjoy myself on saturday.
le noir;
9:54 AM
amaths paper 1 was shitty.
i have no idea why, but i feel so excited when it's going to rain, especially during night time.
half of bio tys to go.
tomorrow will be esplanadeyseoulgardenoshoppingation day.
saturday will be shopping + chilling out day with mel mel.
date me out while i'm still able to attend.
le noir;
10:45 AM
today's physics papers suck totally. i found paper two less tricky than paper one. i got mixed up with a few facts here and there. argh.
was with yoyo, stella and jiayi just now cos we were heading for tuition. we were totally in the end-of-prelims mood. i haven't been laughing so hard since many many months ago. were having tuition and then, kaiwen and charmaine came. they have their physics papers today too. and we were all discussing the papers. that's when i found out i made a lot of silly and careless mistakes.
just asked the bimbos what we are going to do on wednesday. since paper ends at 9am, we decide to go down to esplanade, seoul garden for lunch and shopping after that. wahaha. I MISS TOWN AND ESPLANADE!!!
speaking about esplanade, it reminds me of yesterday. i went to support mr neo and mr er at the north-east arts thingy performance. i saw khaiboon, mr lawrence siao, the lecturer at nco camp, joey and a number of them from bandworld. the first thing mr neo said to me was,"why you look so pale?" my foot. i looked pale? haha. even mr er thought so. oh well. i saw ahmad, dm of marsling. then vivian and baizura came to join us. oh yea, norman played the bass clarinet. my heart went pipi popo. so cute can. i can hardly find cute guys on bass clarinet. haha.
for now, mugging continues. well not exactly also. amaths paper 1 and bio paper 1. what can you mug? all mugged before. but oh well. nevermind. wednesday wednesday, quick come!
le noir;
8:08 AM
it's been raining since i woke up. it's making me drowsy.
my frequent readers would have read my entry from my previous blog about a force pushing me when i was sleeping. remember?
it happened quite a number of times after the first incident and i got it again yesterday. till now, i still can't make out whether it's a dream.
exactly 2 more months, o's will be over!!! haha can't wait lah.
and 3 more days, i'll be done with my prelims and i'll have heaps of fun before i settle down for revision, again.
and in about 2 weeks time, my brother will be back from thailand. i miss him b.a.d.l.y.
physics is so braincells-taxing. grrr. my mind's not concentrating.
right. let's start mugging.
le noir;
4:05 AM
4 more papers. 3 more days. and i'll enjoy a few days break.
today's chemistry papers. paper one was alright. paper two was nightmare because i have forgotten lots of information. see, last minute revision is not good.
rested after i was back to school. recorded the whole broadcast with zat. it was so tiring. and i can't hear him at times because either my phone or his phone has some problems. that's why, for those who heard the broadcast, the conversation was so freaking weird.
shud asked me and afiq to go to innova for their mooncake festival celebration. the whole thing was so cheena-fied. they had chinese ktv competition for students and teachers. i must say, the teachers sang more professionally than the students. then, there were performances by the chinese orchestra, band, and dance groups. recognised a lot of riversidians. in fact, i think 40% of the school is from riverside. must be the distance. oh ya, me and shud were saying there were lots of cute guys there. it's like every ten males who walked pass, 8 appeal to us. haha. i spotted a "mr brown". no, not the famous blogger, but the mr brown in innova. he was in a brown shirt lah. haha. aiyo. CUTE.
one thing about the school is that they are not supportive of band and chinese orchestra. it was so obvious. when the band is playing, i can hardly hear them cos of the excess noise, screams and laughter that has been generated by the exhilarated innovians. you should how they react when the dance groups were up. every single one of them paid attention and cheered for them. aye. no wonder the number of members in the band is so little. anyway, i saw some ex-riversidians like apple and shake[his name is not shake. but has a similar pronounciation of shake]. they joined the dance club and i must say, apple dances really well. i enjoyed watching her dance.
there was this gay councillor that kind of turns me off. he has a sick wallpaper for his lappy and sick pictures. i didn't mean to look at them and intrude their privacy but it just caught my eye and i must say, it was so so so horrible. i told afiq the gay has got a petite ass and he shook it as if he was trying to attract other gays to grab them.
despite all these, innova's still a not-that-bad school. they may be a very young jc, but just withins these few months, the students have already built up the spirit of the school, which was something that i like.
i hate it when my brother leaves the tv on when he's asleep, expecially when the show he was watching was a ghost movie. how am i suppose to off it?
ah after prelims, i think i'll go eat and shop. hee. then, i'll study again. and off i go for the battle.
le noir;
3:04 PM
the result of not revising your work constantly = squeezing information into your blain the day before exam.
chemistry is going to drive me nuts. i've got the last two chapters to go. ah let's pray for a easy paper tomorrow.
but i doubt it will be easy because the teachers LOVE to set tough paper.
next wednesday will be freedom for a moment. ah 6 more days to go.
le noir;
1:52 PM
i just surfed friendster awhile ago[i know i'm not supposed to. but aiya nevermind la.] and i saw a lot of girls at my age or younger, having ridiculous captions for their photos.
they made girls sound so dumb and silly. "i smiling to hide my tears... trying to pretend nothing has happened...", "i hope u r still here wit miii... but too bad norhs... everything end liao. haish".
can't stand it. all that sound very sick to me. really. i know you are sad cos your boyfriend ditched you and you can't bear the pain you felt. and i know how much you want him back [either because he's very handsome or he's really a nice guy]. BUT, you are downgrading yourself. have some pride, at least. don't make it sound like your life is only about males, males and males. come on, girls are not supposed to be like that.
bah. don't make it sound like girls are so cheap and low-down. cos we aren't. build up those things call pride and dignity in you, girls. we are everything without the boys who break that fragile glassy heart of yours.
*30th NCOs!!! do check out the forum! there's also a 30thNCO radiostation done by yaofeng. should be broadcasting every tuesday from 9pm. do check out the forum and join in the fun!*
le noir;
2:57 PM
imagine you have freaking 5 freaking social studies chapters to memorise within a day, plus, you have to revise for emaths at the same time, how will you feel?
total madness.
prelims are driving me nuts. bio today was bad. no, not the questions, but the way i did it. mrs chua almost screamed at me when i told her i only used one piece of foolscap for long essay questions. tell me, WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT HUH HUH HUH??????
and there' a freaking question that contradicted itself. there's this couple who wanted to have kids, but too bad, the woman was a CF patient. then, the man was a CF carrier. so doctor discourage them. then they asked what type of contraception they use. want to have baby why use contraception, you tell me. WHY WHY WHY????
nevermind. i shall just concentrate on what's coming up. off i go to nothern ireland and be beaten up by IRA and British Army. and i shall die.
le noir;
6:47 AM
i was just browsing my photo album when i saw this. see the way i pout, so cute until i want to pinch my face. till now i still remember that day. it was my eldest brother's birthday. the boy in blue is my eldest brother. so you should know who is my second eldest brother. that day, we were waiting for my papa to come back home from work. look at what i was going to grab with my right hand. yes. the sweets. i used to love those sweets. now, i think i'll only see it during chinese new year. i remembered i kept asking my brothers when i could eat the cake. so instead, i fed myself with the sweets to stop myself from thinking about the cake. hee. very memorable time indeed. i miss that house too. that block in particular. i used to have good pals leaving nearby. my neighbours were very nice people, especially my neighbour next door. they were not kids like me but i always enjoyed going to their house. because my neighbour's son always brought his girlfriend home. and i liked their company. i still remember their names - mi mi jiejie, ah li korkor. i heard they are going to have their wedding soon. wah! how come now then get married huh??? back then, we knew near to every single one of them living in the block. now, haha, we have yaya neighbours and ridiculous people around. look what the world has become. right right. tomorrow's the start of prelims. left a few more chapters of biology. so scary lah. i haven't start doing intensive revision for physics which is on next monday[not tomorrow]. holy moly. going to my aunt's house later for her housewarming party. party? more like mugging session at another house for me. *to all those who are having prelims from tomorrow onwards, mug hard and all the best!*
i look quite adorable when i was a toddler.
le noir;
10:33 PM
oh. my. goodness.
i'm totally in love with ipod nano. so slim. so cool.
my birthday *cough* seems to be around the corner hor...
erh nevermind. i'll hint that to my bro.
le noir;
10:20 PM
went back to band today.
ah. it must have been months since i last stepped into bandroom. words can't describe how i felt. i miss seeing my juniors. i miss my bass clarinet. i miss mr neo. i miss stephanie and gang [helpers]. i miss playing with the band. i miss every single one of them, though they may not miss me as much as i do. those were the days.
but how come the storeroom so messy ah????
NCO band majors pre-camp started yesterday. time flies indeed. come to think of it, my days in riverside are numbered. i wasted sec one, treasured sec two, enjoyed part of sec three, loving sec four. i love all my friends, classmates, schoolmates and bandmates. i can't bear to part with anyone. bah. let time slows down, please.
le noir;
9:03 AM
life's about waiting, isn't it?
you wait for the bus. you wait for the train. you wait to have your shirts and pants ironed. you wait to get your lunch. you wait for school to be over. you wait for your turn to speak. you wait for friends to ask you out. you wait for to pay up. you wait for a time to play. you wait for your coffee to be served. you wait for a song to be played over a radio. you wait for your turn to use to the computer. you wait for blogspot to upload your blog. you even wait for the page to load to read.
what else can you not be waiting?
everyday, every hour, every minute, every second, you are waiting. do you know what you are waiting for?
today, i waited.
i waited for breakfast to be done. 15 minutes.
i waited for project superstar's second telecast to be over. 180 minutes.
i waited for lunch to be served. 20 minutes.
i waited for the rain to stop so i can go for an evening jog. but, it just kept pouring. i waited for nothing. 30 minutes.
total waiting time = 15 + 180 + 20 + 30
= 245 minutes
= 4 hours 5 minutes.
i wasted 4 hours and 5 minutes to wait. for? meaningless events.
what have you been waiting today?
le noir;
2:48 PM
poof! it's the last day of the month. how fast.
today's teachers' day celebration, yoyo's birthday, and double chin monkey's birthday, not forgetting it's malaysia national day too.
for aces day workout, we did our healthy lifestyle thing. so the sec 4s did aerobics. not challenging at all. i prefer taebo. then, the teachers had a netball game with netballers. mrs jalil is really good at shooting. i bet she's a netballer back in her time.
concert was very very terrible. it almost turned out to be an aesthetics concert. first was by our band. the percussion ensemble actually brought out the feel of celebration mood. then, they played can't take my eyes off you. followed by some dance. talking about dance, i think it's pretty pathetic. really. it just seemed like a few ants turning round and round the stage, doing nothing but just turnings. perhaps they were, you know, nervous. ah, excuses. worse still, there was this dance group by the sec ones. they were dancing to the tune of britney spears' me against the music. my god. people should take a look at how they dance. i was expecting some breakdance kind of thing. but turned out to be a great great disapppointment. they can't dance for nuts. they just stood there and did small moves which should be exaggerated. *shakes head*. then, there were chinese orchestra performance. damn those fuckers who were beside me screaming and shouting for no apparent reason. they think they are funny. i think they are dumb, idiotic and uncivilised. so i can't hear them play the song. the concert is getting worse and worse year by year.
a number of seniors came back. many of them have bloomed into beautiful ladies and better-looking males. next year, it'll be my turn. i mean my turn to come back and visit. =)
went off with shud, fern, afiq and bryan for a band band gathering. went to swensens to eat. shirley joined us. we had lots of fun playing with the kazoo thing that shud and afiq went to get yesterday at bugis. it's actually quite fun. went off. walked around. then xueying called me. initially, i thought she was natalie because they sounded so alike and she told me to guess who she was. met her up and we headed to qihua. well, it was boring. my form teacher left the school after teaching us in primary six. so going back to qihua seemed a bit meaningless cos not a lot of my clasmates were there. some went to another part of singapore. some lazy to be back. and some of us just don't click, at all. perhaps it's due to the long period of time of not catching up with each other. nevermind.
shud came my house. and she spent a freaking 1 hour plus to update three freaking entries. no wonder she is not allowed to use her com at home.
i wasted two days straight so i shall not waste anymore of my time tomorrow. i will mug mug mug mug mug mug mug mug. hmmm.
*bingbongbiang chants no shopping no town no shopping no town*
le noir;
2:22 PM
16 going on 17
Ngee Ann Poly
Bass clarinetist
- Holga 120SF
- Nice Caption Tees
- Big glam pumps
- Leather watch
- New big tote
- New birks
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
Aizat prom`05 Shuyan+Mike's day off to Aus
30th NCO Forum
MCM T108
chillout with mel
30th nco chalet
beautiful sunday
bowling outing
christmas eve @ hiding place
SWO Concert`05
Fern's day off to Aus
Friday bowl
NYDC + Towning
Meetup with buddies+MUSE