today's mugging was kind of productive. =) studied with yeelu at first. then she went off to find her friends. left me alone at the desk. loyi went off, so i get to sit with huihui and jiayi they all. people should record the whole process of getting into the library at 10am. the crowd was slightly larger than those you find during weekdays. but the speed of dashing in was at its maximum. people RUN for their seats. i went to reference level and goodness, all full. you should take a look at those crappy people who've got their seats. they look at you with the i-won-cos-i-got-the-seat-but-not-you-loser kind of face. felt like slapping them with my slippers.
then at around 4 plus, went to drink coffee at the cafe there. had oreo cheesecake. wahahaha! i find it rather hard. anyway, we spent 70% of the time chatting and 30% of the time working at the cafe. so it shows that i can't go cafe and do my revision. very distracting actually.
tomorrow i think i'll make oreo cheesecake. hee.
monday, wed, fri and sat will be mugging at library. due to public holidays on tue and thu, we made up our minds and are going down to westmall's coffee bean to mug. whee.
anyway, i heard band's performance at the open house was terrible. man man, people, gotta do what you're supposed to do. be initiative and do something about this. two straight days of scolding. *shakes head*
i heard nco tee this year not as nice as 30th batch's. hahahaha.
right. i'm off.
le noir;
2:31 PM
went back to school this late morning. school's having a mini aesthetics concert. i heard the band. i was a tad disappointed though. i should say, wrong song chosen. i bet the band is not prepared for the song cos i doubt they have enough practice for that piece. never play classic pieces for school. unless it's going to turn out really good, so good that it catches the little rascals' attention.
while i was clearing my doubts with mrs chua, it's so darn noisy in the hall. i heard mrs tan[principal] is going off after this year. it reminds me of compassvale's case. i better pray the new principal is not going to set up co. not that i don't like co, i'm just afraid that with co around, the competition between band and co will be very intense. plus, let's hope the principal is going to be fair so band and co have equal incentives[cash so to speak]. but come to think of it, band sure does need more money than co right? aiya. let's just pray hard rss get a nice principal next year.
went to study at library with shud, yeelu, weipin and israel's friends. they were a lil' bit noisy, so we shifted to another table with just the rss peeps. not productive due to weipin's presence. i can't stop chatting with him.
i'll be going to library to mug for these coming week. my house is filled with endless traps. computer...POOF! korean dramas...POOF! bed... POOF!
why singapore so little halloween parties? i got to know of one, but darn, it's for peeps above 18. it's going to be so fun dressing up as pumpkins and witches, and going around the neighbourhood taking sweets from others. haha. fun fun.
i'll go find some recipes for my cheesecake. if it's successful, i'm going to make it for consumption at chalet.
okay... o's not over yet. i know.
let me dream for tonight, please?
le noir;
2:53 PM
today's physics practical is rather alright for me. at the least, i think i didn't make much mistakes.
i suddenly feel like making oreo cheesecake leh. looks so yummy right. nevermind. i have all the time in the world to bake all the cakes i want after o's. it's always "after o's". prom... after o's. chalet... after o's. shopping... after o's. everything... AFTER O'S!!!
*mug mug mug mug mug, libing!*
talking about prom, i think the response is not that bad afterall. more people are going. let's hope a lot more are thinking of going. hee.
yesterday i was having tuition. i realise my fellow tuition mates are having their prom at CROWN PRINCE, RAFFLES HOTEL!!!! i didn't even want to tell them where ours are at. haha. and one of their prizes is ZEN MICRO! aiyo!!! my goodness. envy them. but i bet orchid country club is not that bad afterall right? some schools they hold their prom in school! i shouldn't lament.
i wanted to show you guys my class photo by scanner's down. so too bad lah. next time next time. ah. after o's!
le noir;
8:01 AM
i felt like killing myself after practical yesterday. i made darn lots of dumbassshitty errors. nevermind. it's always that saying: theory! use theory to pull up!
pull up my ass.
nevermind. i just woke up. and i dreamt mrs chua knew i was online. and it seems like it's against the school rule or something. cos she was yelling at me and all i could think of was how she knew i went online. eee. so scary leh.
i screwed up two practicals. i better not do so for the last.
some may realise i've not been online for several days[unless u are online at 5 plus 6 plus am]. why? my brothers are using. darn. i totally cannot understand how much fun one can find in playing maplestory and warcraft. those seem to be the only entertainment for the two of them. nevermind. i can use the time for mugging.
i felt quite bad yesterday. i think i do pretty badly for qa. hai!
i'll get back to sleep. tata.
le noir;
9:03 PM
i really don't understand how much fun can one find in playing maplestory or warcraft. perhaps both my brothers can help to enlighten me. i barely touch the computer for just 1 hour and my brother's bugging me for the com. come on, i didn't even use the computer yesterday. for that, he's shooed back to his room. *beams*.
it's exactly two more weeks to start of written papers. then another two more weeks, o's will end. how nice.
mama just came in. and now she wants me to study! piang eh. i studied whole day long yesterday[eh not really lah. i watch tv more. =X] and she expects me to work like a machine. the fact is, i'm not lor. i'm a young adult. i know when to work, when to rest. so now i need a teeny weeny bit of rest. just let me finish this entry and i'll get back to study.
going out to study with yeelu later. let's hope it's going to work.
mama's going pretty wild for bohemian skirts. everyday she watches tv, she tells me how fashionable and good-looking those skirts are. just not long ago, she said fann wong looked good in the tiered skirt yesterday at the charity show. is she hinting me or something?
right right. i'll get going. to all muggers out there, mug hard. it's all coming to an end. we celebrate, throw parties, scream and do all sorts of things to pay back all the fun we missed this few months. i'm certainly going to do that.
oh do check out shuduan's blog. i must agree she's got good hands. those figurines are cute lah.
le noir;
11:28 PM
i've made up my mind. i'll go prom. plus, dad pays for the 55 bucks. so i can save up the rest of the cash for more stuff. i worked out the budget and holymoly, it's a good 500 plus. but i tried to cancel out some not-that-important stuff. and it's near to 300. i better start saving.
i went around the net and searched for some prom shoes and dresses. enjoy browsing.
how i wish o's is already over.
right right. better get going to mug. all the way, fellow muggers!
le noir;
11:31 PM
today, i think only 2/3 of the class turned up for lessons. i kind of regretted going to school today. it's so boring and i think i could have finished a lot of revision. but oh well.
i am still considering going to prom or not. the prom's on 25th nov. i'm checking out from chalet on that morning. i bet i'll be darn tired. but there's not the thing. 26th i've got a wedding to attend. and that means i have to reach my aunt's house in the morning. see what i mean. i'll be dead beat. plus, not that many people are going because they think paying 55 bucks for a country club is very ex. i used to think the same way. but come to think of it, it's not that bad since the school did not subsidise for us.
went to band after focused studies today. haha prestige is finally here! i miss touching prestige bass clarinet. =) teach huaqing and celeste. and then mr neo said mr er coming over to see the band. too bad fern needs to rush off. if not, we would have waited. aiya, studies more important lah. somemore they have their practicals tomorrow. aiyo good luck girls.
i'll go draw up my study planner. and finish all those neverending heaps of papers.
le noir;
9:18 AM
this year's bio practical paper is tough. tougher than last year's paper. i nearly went mad while i was identifying some not-even-a-bit-obvious similiarities and differences between the figure given and the carrot. and the hydrilla-looking leaves are so so so disgusting. they're near to microscopic and even with the help of the magnifier, i still find them small. i bet my drawings are wrong. it's a bad bad bad practical.
i hope principal approves the letter so i can stay at home and mug on thu and fri. i really need time on my own to figure things out. focus studies doesn't really help that much. mind you, wed to fri will be usual lessons and that's nuts. i rather stay home and do my own revision.
exactly one month to end of o's. haha. i want to...
1) SHOP!
2) eat good food.
3) hang out with all those whom i have not seen in a while.
4) send my textbooks and notes for recycling.
5) learn how to rollerblade and cycle [don't you laugh at me, u rascal].
6) sleepover at fern's house.
7) mani-pedi.
8) get a new haircut and dye new hair colour.
9) get to the beach and play.
10) watch all the korean dramas.
11) revamp my room.
12) early morning [to be exact, 6am] run with shud.
the list will just go on and on and on.
revision! ah... better not get too carried away.
p.s. happy 16th birthday huihui! =)
le noir;
6:38 AM
yesterday was graduation day. yanling they all said they weren't touched. no leh. i thought it was quite touching. or maybe because i'm easily touched, that's why.
every class' presentation was really worth the time, bringing back the memories we had in this 4 years time, or rather 2 years since streaming in sec 2 made many people go to different classes. events like fiesta riverside and sports carnival really brought back lots of memories for all classes. 5/2 has very strong bonds with miss ong and miss ong was so touched she even cried. aww. the class even made a sash for miss ong.
then, the last part was that miss hesley, miss nora and mdm nora did a little video clip for us. the first picture that popped up made me pretty worried. they put our sec one photos there and i went,"holy shit. mine better not be there." they put in class order and i suppose they did a bit of selecting. thank goodness mine wasn't on the clip cos i looked very very smackable in sec 1. i still do.
i've received little notes [lil' in size, big in meaning] from shud and mel. haha i didn't expect anything from mel. ah. it was really sweet of them. miss haslinda gave us candle that's put in the glass. and a pen. mdm lim gave two pens yesterday too.
then, i went off with youhui, stella, huihui, yanling, liyhee and huizi to swensens cos huihui treating us earthquake haha. thanks ah huihui! we played with the ice cream a bit. and we went off to get stella her present. after that, the rest went off to nyjc open house. as for me, i went to find shud and fern. we laughed our asses off in metro. did silly silly stuff. man, when was the last time i did such stuff??? that must have been ages ago.
i'll be going to ajc open house today. just go there and see.
holy moly. tuesday is bio practical!
aiya. sec 1s to 3s good lah. exams finish already. nvm. after this last lap, EVERYTHING WILL BE DONE! erh, at the moment at least.
*i can't tag so... yiangshan: aiyo! can't just see the band ah. it's your FUTURE leh!
le noir;
10:04 PM
i stayed at home today. had a fever of 38.2 degrees celsius yesterday afternoon. my brain was boiled. kept tearing. mc for two days.
stayed at home. 4 smses in the morning. i think 2 of it informing me that lockers have to be cleared tomorrow. and the other two were asking how i was. watched a korean movie. did my endless emaths and amaths paper. slept in the afternoon. then, my cousin came with her friend to my house. shud came to pass me my english homework. continued with work.
i think i got serious indigestion problem. my gastric felt as if it is choking. i need lots of fibre.
the pros of having staying at home when u're sick are :
1) you can sleep till anytime you desire.
2) you can watch tv.
3) you can do go online.
4) you do whatever you what.
but the best out of all is...
5) having all your friends smsing you, asking how you were feeling, and all the "take care"s. they really make a ill girl feel better. stella even called to ask how i was. ah... touched.
tomorrow will be graduation day. i thought i don't have to go to school from tomorrow onwards. but what the hell. school's still on till next friday. boo.
le noir;
12:01 PM
early in the morning, principal came in to my class and talked to us about tertiary education.
it all brings back to one point - cruelty of the society. it seems that only a minority of the population thinks that poly has a bright future ahead. unfortunately, the majority of the society are stereotypical. they think that jc students will excel and only these students will have good jobs and earn a good living. it really irks me when even the adults think likewise. well, perhaps i'm not mature enough to think the same way. but the one sided judgement is really unfair.
the comparison itself already doesn't make much sense. it's just like comparing apples with oranges. yes they are both fruits. but, they are very different by nature. taste is different. colour is different. u eat the pericarp of the apple but you eat the succulent pulps of the orange.
just like poly and jc. the courses you take in jc is completely different from what you take in poly. syllabus is absolutely dissimilar. the way the lessons go about is not the same too. even the rules are not the same.
so there's really no way one can put the two of them side by side for comparing.
some adults assume that students who choose to go to poly have a mindset that getting into poly means less stressful, less workload. well, some may think that way. but for me, no. i choose to go to poly is because i want to take up courses that appeals to me and can help me get into my dream job in the future. i want to learn it now. rather than having to go through jc and suffer from a risk of having to retain or start poly with my juniors. i am not choosing the easy way out.
"after poly, the industry you can go into is very small." so, tourism sector is considered small? business sector is small? i don't understand. i thought poly prepares the students for the industry. then why does the industry suddenly shrink? so you are trying to suggest that getting into jc, you have MORE variety of jobs to choose from? poly just 1 job? enlighten me. i'm very confused here.
the hottest topic in school since last week is "which jc should i go?". majority of my class is able to make it to jc for first three months. me inclusive. friends around me are trying to persuade me to get into jc for 1st three months. "got no loss what...", "go there make friends and have fun lah...". i take my stand strongly. no means no. i mean, if my intention is not to go to the jc and study those core science and humanities, i don't see why i should take the first three months. the moment i get the jc selection slip, i'll just crush it and dump it into the bin.
but no worries. i have yeelu and bernard [and i heard fookhiong too?] going to poly with me.
oh ya i can't stand arrogant and cocky male species in my class. i was told to "just shut up and accept what is taught" during amaths lessons. courtesy, where are you??? i was merely saying that both vector diagrams look the same to my teacher across the classroom. and he so so so cannot stand me. perhaps he can't stand my loud voice but really, at least have the courtesy to say it nicely instead of using a rude term. aiya. i think my class is a weird class. not just weird, but more of inconsiderate and dumb[not academically lah. those people are geniuses in memorising textbooks]. i shan't go on and rant. if not, i'll get suspended from school.
mug mug mug. oh ya happy birthday stella!
le noir;
12:22 PM
went for tuition this morning. then i went to admiralty to collect money from huimin. after which, i headed down to cityhall.
stood there for hours. waited for yiangshan to come. saw a lot of familiar faces. she came. then, we chatted a while and went to coffee and toast for some food. yunpeng then came. soon after, those who went to cjc tune-in, that is mel, fad, zat, jaryl and xinhui, came to join us. we sat at the staircase there and waited for people to pay us money. chatted a bit. ah, i miss those days when we can still chill out and just chat our time away. boohoo. *smacks head on the wall* study lah!
went home with zat and yunpeng first while the rest continued to wait for the others and have their dinner after that. haha yunpeng damn quiet i tell you. but when she got into the train, she finally started to crap with us. around 7 plus i reached home.
tomorrow will be my grandpa's birthday. not forgetting mel chan's birthday!!! haha happy birthday!!! =)
le noir;
2:30 PM
right. people who've passed by my blog for the past few days, you'll notice two things. one obvious thing is that the blogskin went distorted and very messy. second is that i broke down.
BUT... these two are now the past. i've changed my skin and i don't feel down anymore. i've decided that i will not and must not let history to replay.
right. no idea what to blog about. will be back tomorrow for more.
le noir;
12:18 PM
James Blunt - Tears and Rain
How I wish I could surrender my soul;
Shed the clothes that become my skin;
See the liar that burns within my needing.
How I wish I'd chosen darkness from cold.
How I wish I had screamed out loud,
Instead I've found no meaning.
I guess it's time I run far, far away; find comfort in pain,
All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.
Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.
I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble.
It's more than just words: it's just tears and rain.
How I wish I could walk through the doors of my mind;
Hold memory close at hand,
Help me understand the years.
How I wish I could choose between Heaven and Hell.
How I wish I would save my soul.
I'm so cold from fear.
I guess it's time I run far, far away; find comfort in pain,
All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.
Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.
I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble.
Far, far away; find comfort in pain.
All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble.
It's more than just words: it's just tears and rain.
le noir;
9:47 AM
two days of tormenting. my heart, my mind, my soul, went all the way down.
i hear people saying how well they could have done. i hear how many A1s they've achieved. i hear people punching very hard on the calculator, followed by loud exclamation of their L1R5. i hear everything.
but does anyone realise i'm just beside them, listening to them? each and every word that came out of their mouth took chunks of me away. they've got their A1s already and yet they still wish they've got better results. their victory. their joy. none of which i shared.
everyone says they think they're going to do badly for the paper. i spoke nothing. when the scripts are returned, why am i the only one who does badly?
everyone claims that for this prelims, they have not put in their best. i spoke nothing. when they counted their L1R5, why am the i only one who scores way higher than them?
i don't understand, really. two days straight and i have not been feeling well. mentally, that is.
i saw mr cheong yesterday evening. he asked me why i was crying when i got a B3 for my chem. tell me reasons not to cry when the 95% of the class scored distinctions for that. how can i not be sad. how can i not feel left out from the class. how can i not feel dumb.
everywhere i am, everyone's talking about their results. guess what, i'm demoralised, totally!
i thought i could have been stronger. i thought it was just prelims. i thought i could be better. but i was just so wrong.
nevermind me. i'll be fine soon.
le noir;
9:32 AM
i'm going to mug my ass off from now till o's.
you will understand my worry if your prelim results actually could be better because you made a lot of careless mistakes.
i have no idea why i got so emotional when i got back my chemistry paper. even though it wasn't that bad to me(not to the class though cos those peeps are soooooo bloody good in chem), i thought i kind of owe mr cheong something. yeah, i used to dislike him a lot. but, if not for that hatred, i wouldn't have worked that hard to win back his faith in me. thanks mr cheong.
my class average msg for chem is 1.4something. i want a distinction for chem also leh.
right. i should go look at my papers and see what went wrong.
le noir;
11:08 AM
went to national library with mel(nco), yiangshan and jaryl yesterday. we were there to study but goodness, the library was closed. so we ended up mugging outside the library. actually, majority of the time we were calling up people, extorting money from them. we were desperate for the 10 or 15 bucks they are going to pay.
*in case any ncos who are going to the bbq/chalet on 28th nov to 30th nov, please take note. you are supposed to pay up the money by 8th oct, which is next saturday. 10 bucks for bbq, 15 bucks for staying over. any queries, contact me, yiangshan, mel or anyone who's part of this.
today, i was supposed to be at the library to finish up my work. you see, my productivity at home is very low. it drives away MNCs and other foreign investments.
wait. what has MNCs got to do with me? ha. industries industries.
library was packed with many many hardcore muggers, especially jc peeps. i suppose their exams are around the corner too. i gave up on library so i went to mos burger. luckily there's one seat available. i got my drinks and i started to work. finished my ss paper and a bit of amaths.
p.s. to those who are taking your EOY exams or N's tomorrow, all the best and good luck k? =)
to those who are getting back your results for your prelims tomorrow, all the best too.
le noir;
11:47 AM
what's wrong with the blogger posting page? something's wrong with the code or what?
school's been pretty boring actually. no going through of paper yet. release of results will be from next week onwards. so what do we do in class? we had practicals actually. other than that, we crapped through the lessons. ah, we kept having discussions about our own chalet. now, i decided to get the class chalet going. haha. that's going to be very very fun.
it's going to be october in less than 3 hours time. graduation day will be in 2 weeks time. not forgetting o's, which is i-don't-want-to-know-how-many-days away. sheesh.
i think i've been lazing around this week. papers given are always lying in my file. so over the weekends, i'll die of excess workload. then i don't have to take o's anymore.
but no. i still want to live to go to chalets.
tuition's on tomorrow. after which, i'll go meet yiangshan and gang to study and call up people to pay up money for the chalet. thank goodness it's still going on.
eh. someone please bring me to michael buble's concert on 10th oct. haha.
le noir;
1:41 PM
16 going on 17
Ngee Ann Poly
Bass clarinetist
- Holga 120SF
- Nice Caption Tees
- Big glam pumps
- Leather watch
- New big tote
- New birks
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
Aizat prom`05 Shuyan+Mike's day off to Aus
30th NCO Forum
MCM T108
chillout with mel
30th nco chalet
beautiful sunday
bowling outing
christmas eve @ hiding place
SWO Concert`05
Fern's day off to Aus
Friday bowl
NYDC + Towning
Meetup with buddies+MUSE