i think i did make a right decision not to turn up for the first night at the chalet. first, i was tired. second, i have second thoughts about the living conditions there. third, i have my doubts.
i went for the second night.
kind of have a mini celebration for annie cos she's living for states to further her studies this friday. i know i'm not really close to her but i have no idea why i'm kind of upset when i heard she's leaving. *shrugs*
jaryl's birthday's on 30th nov(that is today). shuyan's birthday was over but celebrated her birthday with jaryl. we got them a cake. first was water bombs for them. i slipped and fell when i was bombing jaryl. i had fun throwing water bombs at them. then it was cake time. haha, someone(i can't rmb who) suggested we smash the cake on their faces. i grabbed my piece of cake and gave them cake spa. fun fun. comes to cleaning up, it's no fun.
a few of us(me, ys, shuyan, frederick, justin, zat) stayed outside and gossipped.unhappiness generated within. contradictions too. no idea. sometimes people just don't make much sense.
and fancy a big group of them leaving without even finish clearing up their junk and trash. i wonder which part of them can be classified as leadership. ordering eeling here and there isn't a really nice thing. not that they don't know how to use a microwave. think about it, eeling's lack of sleep for goodness sake. and some cash problems too.
i was thinking this was a 30th BAND NCO CHALET. but i saw a number of unfamiliar faces(not the i-dunno-which-nco-is-he kind of unfamiliar but the who-the-hell-is-that-rude-freak kind of unfamiliar). NCOs! not BOYFRIENDS. at the least, do some work in helping to clear up the mess. not sit there and hankypanky. *rolls eyeballs*
ultimately, we have to really thank justin very very much. he's been paying up a lot of money, which is not necessary cos everyone should pay. enjoyed the company of those who stayed behind to clear up and the gossippers. oh yeah, i'm going to miss shuyan too cos she's living for aussie next year. same like fern. hai.
disappointed, thoroughly.
le noir;
9:12 PM
ah... i've uploaded the pictures at shutterfly. those interested can click on the links on the right panel and view them.
speaking of prom, it was quite fun, minus the pain that my heels gave me. i did my makeup and hair with huizi at thise salon. then i went to shud's house while huizi went to nadiah's house. i had problems walking already. pain is the word. but i still carried on walking and took the bus.
i hate all the stupid and low-down uncles who horn me while i was crossing the road. just get home and ask your mama to dress up for you to horn, dumbasses.
shud was still making up. her mum has great hands, just like her. her mum did her hair for her and i must say she does look cute. but she refuses to accept the fact that she's cute. then, fern joined us. and tianze came too. after which, shud's dad sent us off to OCC.
when we reached there, a number of people reached there already. everyone was so well-dressed(except a few) and everyone looked gorgeous.
the door gift was... eww.
we got in and we took our seats. dj was not really good. the songs they played were like so foreign(never heard of, that is) and they practically can't talk very well. but oh well, not enough cash to hire better ones i guess. food was quite alright.
we had table games after which. they flashed scenes of different movies on the screen and we were supposed to guess which movie it was from. it was like darn easy. but too bad lah, our table just didn't have that wee bit of luck. but but but, for the lucky draws, we have the most number of people getting the prizes. shud, fern, jiafeng, hamizah all got the prizes. it was so cool.
then there was this game that needed three guys and six girls. two girls to each guy and the girls were to make the guy look like a girl. so everyone was frantically looking for accessories, lipsticks and etc for the guys. they even got napkins for the boobs part. haha after which, the "girls" did catwalk and they were so darn funny. weipin won though. and he danced on his own on the stage.
prom king and queen were the 5N couple. they looked real nice. yeelu got nominated but too bad she didn't get in. i thought shuhan looked damn gorgeous. but oh well. then, the prom couple started to slow dance. aww, it was so sweet since they are already a couple and the guy started to hold the girl's waist. then comes miss lim who spoilt the whole romantic scene removing the "no-hands-on-her-waist" portion. then, the rest started to join the dance. i couldn't move at all cos my feet were like DARN PAIN. i watched them dance and i had fun watching them. it would be lot more better to dance with them. some couples danced real intimately and they jusr groped anywhere they could. holy.
the night ended pretty early. i was being a spoilspot cos my feet was in pain and i really couldn't move at all. so everyone(shud, fern and tianze) went home. aye aye, i promise we'll get out together one night again k? i'll wear comfy flats or sneakers. =)
*yawn* time to sleep. was out with mel(junior) this afternoon. had fun listening to her talk about her stories and snapping pictures away. we'll do again real soon k? love ya. and oh ya, i miss everyone. we must ALL meet up real soon. right right, night all.
le noir;
5:23 PM
after which, we went back for breakfast. i took a short nap, followed by card games(again, i know. that's what we did when we're so so bored). i sent fern off and got back. changed up and we split up into two groups again. one to escape while another to wild wild wet. i joined the wild wild wet gang. i had heaps of fun. tried everything. we played the games again and again. very limited stations. those who went to escape came to join us at wild wild wet cos they've got free entry. so we brought them around to play again. fun fun. i was tanned. with no guys around, the girls can still do the thing. we set up the fire and it took around 2 hours. haha. i helped out in preparing food. peixuan's gang came too. good. they helped to eat. that night was so so tiring. so everyone did a quick clear up and went to sleep. not forgetting to drink the lemon detox drink by huihui. i'll miss everyone. when the hell are we going to meet each other again??? yesterday was prom. i'll update about it later. totally exhausted.
first day at the chalet.
that's shaun and honchang barbequeing. food was great and we really had fun playing around. oh yah, you guys know how chinese sausages look like right? it's like a dick. then, one of it dropped on the floor while we were washing them. then, you hui picked it up and started to rub the sausage. holy.
some of us were watching tv in the chalet while the rest were out bbqing. when i wanted to get some food, i looked out and saw all of them looking in one direction. me, being a typical singaporean who possesses one of the singaporean's values, kpoism, went out to check out. i got a shock. some gangsters were chasing after each other, hitting and punching each other, and i heard one even puked blood. the whole thing was so dramatic. police came and everything. i missed my show for that you know. haha. i know i'm really kpo. so after our bbq, which was like nine plus, we cleared up and washed up. we split up into two groups. one stayed in chalet while the other went for ktv. i joined the ktv gang and we went to loyang point's party world. sing and sing till 1am. we headed back to chalet and i played card games with those who still didn't want to sleep. i slept at around 3am and woke up at 4 plus?
we wanted to watch sunrise. so some of us strolled to the beach. waited for around one hour and we saw nothing except ships. rain instead of sun. bah.
after lunch, most of them left. the rest went to bowl. after which, we went back to chalet to prepare for bbq. since it was still quite early, we played cards again. haha. and we ate up a lot of the junk food.
next morning, we packed up and off we go back home.
le noir;
4:08 AM
been busy with prom shopping for the weekends. my feet and calves are still sore. i've got my dress and heels. left with clutch, accessories, manicure... and some other stuff. going to be darn broke after prom.
wednesday will be chalet with my peeps. hee. can't wait can't wait. but we kind of exceed our budget or maybe it was miscalculations. oh well...
i got my camera. not stylus verve cos not much optical zoom. got another one. my brother went to collect the xd card but darn, no stock. got to wait till wednesday or something. so i think i'll get it before i go for chalet.
can't wait for chalet. can't wait for prom. wahaha.
shopping with fern and shud tmr. so long since i last saw them. hope they do well for their last paper.
le noir;
9:02 AM
the biggy o's has finally ended!!!
let's take a look what i'll be doing from tomorrow onwards...
sat - girls day out with my classmates.
- shopping for PROM!!!
sun to next tuesday - shopping everyday.
wed to fri - chalet with my gang.
fri night - prom!!!
sat - cousin's wedding.
28th to 30th - NCO's chalet!
cool... i'll get a job when november ends. =)
i'm so excited cos i'm getting olympus stylus verve! heee. getting it cos i like the design and the size. =)
hohoho! can't wait for prom... it's going to be so so so fun. so is the chalet... haha. FUN!
le noir;
4:13 PM
2 more papers to go.
last two days.
i can't wait!
le noir;
11:31 AM
both my brothers went to play pool together. darn. i feel like going out and play and shop NOW!
hang in there, libing. 5 more days.
yeah, 5 more days of hardcore mugging.
i want to paint my room ORANGE.
i want to shop for prom.
i want to chill out.
hai. i'll get back to geography. i LOVE geography.
le noir;
10:41 AM
right. so yesterday was the 31st band NCO POP. exciting for me cos i get to meet up some my nco pals and get to see my beloved majors.
when we reached there, we went mad. we rushed to the auditorium to look for our majors. this year's nco tee looks *boo*. haha. really. 30th nco still rocks lah. the dms take the dance studio which we didn't get to use last year.when i went out of the auditorium, i saw the five of them taking pictures together. i thought it was real nice to have all the cousin majors together. see... new town, riverside, shuqun, compassvale and zhenghua. the BMs!
hee. zak the dm and clem the bm. zak got burnt real badly. he became soooooo dark. he told me some people thought he was an indian. haha.
we sat at the stadium, waiting for the parade to start. before that, we actually get to see our instructors for the macework. hee. miss them.
when the parade started, i had my goosebumps. i totally miss the feeling for the march in and macework man. i supposed i got a good seat cos for the march in, zak and clem were within my visual range. hee. we shouted, screamed and cheered on for our own majors. macework was real cool. they formed up "31" and took out orange fans(which i supposed were borrowed from the chinese dance people). ah nice. bm formation not bad also. me and clem right after the POP.
me and zak. the very cool man who doesn't want to smile.
and that's us after our dinner at far east. some others left though. ah... cya guys at the chalet. =)
6 more days and i'll be free free free.
le noir;
9:37 AM
right. so o's started yesterday. 10 more days and i'll be freed.
31st NCOs passing out parade this friday. can't wait!
wish me luck for tomorrow's English papers and the rest of the papers.
le noir;
5:18 PM
went down to westmall's coffee bean for the two holidays. tell me, why got so many cute coffee beaners?
it's arriving soon soon. two more weeks to end of o's. last lap last lap. all those taking o's this year, do well!!!
i seriously can't wait for all the FUN after o's. wahahahhahaha.oh ya. can someone send him a haircut voucher? our beloved ron weasley decides to keep his hair long through out his years in hogwart. hmmm, maybe not him. maybe it's rupert grint. oh darn.
le noir;
11:59 PM
my life becomes so routined. every morning, i will wake up at 7. reach library at 10. mug all the way till 6. and slack through the night.
yesterday, me, huihui, chui rhong and jiayi went to westmall's coffee bean to study. we went to the smoking area to mug cos it was freezing in there. turned out that it was a very bad idea. i rather get frozen inside than to die of a passive smoker. but got cute guys there lah. =)
i actually want to go for a swim later. but yeelu said she can't go. so i'm still thinking to go or not. since monday, i've taking in lots of sweet stuff. oreo cheesecake, ice-blended coffee, tiramisu... enough to get diabetes. and fats are all over the body. later my arteries get clogged, my heart has to pump harder. and what will happen? my heart muscle will be exhausted and decide not to pump anymore blood in the future. and there goes my life.
eh... bio?
in about two weeks time, i'll be freed. free from all the books. and next fri's 31st nco pop. wahaha. can't wait. =)
happy holiday people. selamat hari raya to all my fellow malay pals! happy deepavali to my indian mates too though it was yesterday. hee.
le noir;
11:50 PM
16 going on 17
Ngee Ann Poly
Bass clarinetist
- Holga 120SF
- Nice Caption Tees
- Big glam pumps
- Leather watch
- New big tote
- New birks
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
Aizat prom`05 Shuyan+Mike's day off to Aus
30th NCO Forum
MCM T108
chillout with mel
30th nco chalet
beautiful sunday
bowling outing
christmas eve @ hiding place
SWO Concert`05
Fern's day off to Aus
Friday bowl
NYDC + Towning
Meetup with buddies+MUSE