went for checkup with my mum yesterday. i couldn't believe i was in town at 9am. now, i'm no longer on medication. let's pray it's going to be alright.
went shopping with mum. wanted to get that shoes but shop was closed. and anyone knows where "Z shop" is located???
at around 5 plus, i met up with the rest who are going to fred's house. a group of more than 10 people actually waited for one lanky chap for a very very long time. one lanky chap, who? nicanor lor. ha.
fred has three dogs. i only like the one that's so chubby and lazy and furry. but fad likes none. poor guy. we helped to bbq awhile. steak was not bad. there were so many people i don't really know.
we played at the playground behind his house. swing was the thing that everyone wanted to try. these guys are really funny lah. we spent most of our time with the dogs and outside the house, talking. it's a nice get together.
i just realised michael's going to aussie too. same as shuyan. same as bimbo. man, why?
i came home, smelling like a dog.
thanks fred for inviting us.
and yea, happy birthday mum and cristabel!
time: 8.21am
date/day: 31st Dec/ Sat
le noir;
8:02 AM
narnia's real cool. people who still haven't watched it, go watch.
but, my butt was totally numb after the whole movie.
i want to watch wallace and gromit, in her shoes, memoirs of geisha, da vinci code!
good movies next year.
tomorrow i'm going to mount elizabeth for checkup. mum's having hers too. that means long waiting hours. after that, we'll be going shopping. yea! i told mum the shoes i want for new year. i think she's getting me one. hahahahahaha.
eh, someone ask me out on new year's eve/new year day/post-new year holiday, can? i think i'll be dead bored at home. shopping, movie, dinner, lunch, coffee... anything. =)
time: 9.48pm
date/day: 29th Dec/Thu
le noir;
9:20 PM
random random pictures. enjoy!
me and mel. mel, me and gab. =)
the green paint.
haha, the goddess.
from left: nicanor, mel, yiangshan, zat, wan ting, weeseng, me. =)
that's tianze playing his mini solo. nice lah, dude.
swo concert brochure.
beautiful night scene.
from left: me, fern, bryan, afiq and shud. at mac. =)
the big and smelly foot.
le noir;
8:41 PM
went for swo concert yesterday. a number of the ssw people saw me and asked why i didn't perform this time round. i said i was busy and all. do u believe me?
ssw improved a lot. compared to the first concert which was held on july, i thought they are louder and have nicer sounds. not to forget there's an increase in manpower. i love rebroll. it sounded so fierce and damn nice. bass clarinet and tenor sax had some kind of "conversation". ah, i like. saw mel, fad, justin, and others. saw a lot of people lah.
went to have dinner at mac with shud, fern, bryan and afiq. a lot of people were there. we had fun taking pictures. aiya, i miss those days when we hang out after band at ljs.
baking cookies tomorrow, again. haha. mum's bugging me to get a job. i don't want to work lah!
i still think my room's colours are disgusting. i need time to convince myself.
time: 3.05pm
date/day: 27th Dec/Tue
le noir;
2:25 PM
bought the paint yesterday and started to paint. the green is nice. but the yellow was a bit faint. mum, bros were telling me how bad it looks. darn. so they went to get another tin of paint. ORANGE. but when i saw the colour, i was so disappointed. disgusting orange. not very orange, not very nudish. u get what i mean? nvm if u don't. now i look at it, the whole room looks so fugly.
my bros' room is much better. blue. their bedsheets are blue, their curtains are blue. so nice.
now, they are working on the living room.
oh, went out with ncos yesterday to marina south for steamboat. after that, went to esplanade to play and watch couples in action. haha. wanted to watch narnia but nah. went to arcade instead. house of the dead 4 so damn cool.
nicanor's dad sent us off. thanks nic and nic's parents for sending us straight to our blocks(excluding weeseng and mel). nic's dad damn cool.
going to swo concert later. ah.
i want to go shopping!
happy boxing day everyone!
time: 11.27am
date/day: 26th Dec/ Monday
le noir;
11:19 AM
merry merry christmas to everyone!!!
yesterday i went down to hiding place to catch the christmas eve celebration over there. i was a lil' late cos i came late. gab helped to save a seat for me. saw mel perform. nice nice. but she's a bit nervous i guess cos her face was quite stiff(i've got pictures to prove!) haha. the kids there were really adorable, especially the boy who dressed as a little cow. he's really cute. gab left earlier. and soon after, everything ended. went home after that.
boring right? i should have stayed out late, like my brothers. thing is, all my friends were so busy with their own christmas celebration with their families. wanted to ask some ppl out for coffee but nah.
thanks mel for inviting me there. it somehow makes christmas more meaningful to me, with some of the stories that i've never heard of.
ah, christmas. i think i'm going with dad to get new paint. painting the rooms later. i want my room green and my mum got a big shock. what's so shocking about... green? mum wants purple/pink. she wants her room to be romantic romantic. bros want their room blue. this house is going to be so colourful. good, cos i'm real sick of white.
dinner with the ncos. yeah. steamboat! =)
so, once again, merry christmas to everyone!
time: 9.44am
date/day: 25th Dec/Sunday
le noir;
9:13 AM
went to band this morning. saw hweeling. she came to help rss. she's a humble and nice trumpeter. she played a lot of nice nice trumpet solos for me. =)
band was actually bad, very. tone gone. tuning haywire. all of their ears were shut. attendance was, as expected, pretty bad. committee's a disappointment. hey, well done people. better learn it now. and STOP forgetting things that were taught. i believe u guys can do it. don't disappoint the helpers and mr neo. next prac will be better, i believe.
gave out cookies to my people. haha yeelu gave chua koon some and he said,"wah, can fight with famous amos!" haha i'm flattered. but i hope it's still crunchy and chewy by 25th.
thanks mel for the present and the cookies.
went off to town after that with shud and fern. we shopped around. ah, i bought a tote at some stall shops near heeren and a shirt from mu(wood in chinese). got fern a necklace. damn belated birthday present. aye i think still need to get more for her. wait till my money comes. =) we got famous amos cookies and went off after that cos everyone's quite tired.
shud was scaring me out. trying to act like a lesbian on me. darn. *shudders* i'm 100% straight.
hmm, gonna work out a chinese new year(plus school reopens) shopping list soon. i saw a lot of nice bags, clothes, shoes and everything lah... when will money fall from sky and land in my wallet?
tmr going to watch mel perform. sunday going out with ncos for christmas celebration. yeah yeah. miss everyone.
time: 8.09pm
date/day: 23rd Dec/Fri
le noir;
7:36 PM
i can never imagine myself as a sales promoter.
for today, i became one. but just today.
was called over by my cousin as they needed people.
i hate the first customer i served. she's a bitch.
afterall, it's not that bad. most of the people are nice. i enjoyed teasing the "red-faced" uncle.
sore feet as a result.
time: 12.30am
date/day: 23rd Dec/Fri
le noir;
12:25 AM
yesterday was my birthday if some still have no idea what's going on.
went out with shud and fern. so long since i last saw bimbo fern. we went down to mango first. mango was packed with so many aunties, working ladies, maids and teenagers. actually, nothing caught my eye. it's either the design's not nice or there's no sizes for me. and i really have no idea why so many females are going gaga over mango.
we went around. walking around at heeren. i wanted to get that top. sheesh. had lunch at seoul garden @ taka. my my, lil' boys, time to grow up. i bet the length of your dick is not any longer then my boobs' amplitude. "i'm desperate for big sisters" was written on your face. disgusting freaks.
went to kinokuniya. shud wants to get the WHOLE series of "a series of unfortunate events". fern wants to go zara. i want too. but not enough time. going down again tomorrow with them to get what they want.
came home and dinner was steamboat. imagine seoul garden till 5pm and 7++pm for steamboat. stomach torture. but i like it that we dinner together, chatting around and laugh together. i love papa mama and korkors.
thanks for all those who sent smses/tagged my board/msg me at msn, wishing me happy birthday. thanks for those who called too, like mel and my aunt. hee.
shopping later? no idea.
can't wait for band tmr. i miss my bass clarinet many many.
time: 7.51am
date/day: 22nd Dec/ Thu
le noir;
7:05 AM
went for interview at bengawan solo. man. i went at 10am and they told me interview starts at 12pm. i was going for the sake of my mum. i just hope i won't get in.
went to orchard to look for the ncos. we had dinner at yoshinoya. aye, pre-birthday celebration. thanks guys! we roamed around town. watched the performance by st. marg outside paragon. the dancers were good.
mel went hyper. fad's still so funny. justin's a lil' ill. nicholas told us his favourite countries. zat went bonkers. jaryl's always laughing. nicanor has big and drowsy eyes. thanks for accompanying me throughout the night. =)
tomorrow will be my day out with the girls. and steamboat for dinner with my family.
oh, bro's back with LOTS of food. he bought me a handbag. hee.
time: 12.00am
date/day: 21st Dec/Wed
le noir;
11:48 PM
i dreamt, again. but this time round, i've got 7points for L1R5. i remembered myself being damn happy in the dream. still, it's a dream. if only it's real. i doubt it will be yeah.
congrats to those n's takers who successfully get promoted to sec 5s!
baking cookies later.
the funeral band downstairs is horrible. really. the trumpeter(s) blasted out loud and it's very awful. the tone's so not right.
i've cut my hair. i felt my head being so much lighter after the haircut. hmmm, so long since i use wax. gonna use it soon.
heard that there's nco dinner tonight? details please, guys. ah, good. i can give out the cookies!
tomorrow is the day, when i turn 16(hoho, finally). bro's gonna be back tomorrow too. so is fern. aye aye i miss that bimbo lah.
eh... i want new colour for my hair leh.
this entry is damn random.
time: 8.10am
date/day: 20th Dec/Tue
le noir;
7:54 AM
i love the cookies i baked. yummy and crispy. people who're getting it, good for you. people who don't, maybe u will next time. i think i'll be making another batch of cookies tomorrow or something.
oh yeah, if santa, you happen to be reading this entry, can i ask for 1 thing? please get me a new FAST cooking oven, please? the one i have takes ages to bake just 9 cookies.
okay. nevermind. i think i'll make do with that. so santa, forget what i just said.
i went around finding brown paper bags (you know those that people put pau into it?) darn, i went down to bugis specially for this and darn, not the type i wanted. i'll try again tmr, or rather later, since it's 4.47am now.
i need a haircut. i need new furniture. i need new tops and bottoms. i need more shoes. i need new bags. i need liposuction(kidding). i need a lot alot. santa.. *hinthint*.
maybe i shouldn't ask for too much cos i haven't been a good girl this year. but just one will do. i'll settle haircut, no worries.
off i go.
time: 5.12am
date/day: 19th Dec/Monday
le noir;
4:30 AM
congrats to those who got into their desired jcs.
my shoulders hurt so bad i can't get good sleep. i bet they are going to shed some skin soon.
my brother's going to bangkok tmr morning. good for him. he better comes back with present for me. =X
i hate the ways kids are thinking and behaving nowadays. so childish, immature, self-centred and inconsiderate. they think the other planets are revolving around them, but sadly, that's not the case. they live in their own world of fantasies. may the lightning strike them one day and let them be gone for good.
i'll be busy busy tmr. doing some stuff for christmas. let's hope it turns out well.
time: 3.28am
date/day: 17th Dec/Sat
le noir;
2:37 AM
we went for lunch at suntec. i've been going down to cityhall for so so so many days i'm going to be kind of sick of the place. then we walked around. the only 5-people photo of the day. lucky my double chin is not in the picture. hee hee. it was taken on the train so pardon the blurness. aye aye. i'm soooo bored at home. i need jobs jobs. time: 8.46am date/day: 15th Dec/Thu
me, yoyo, stella, yanling and huihui went down to marina (south?) to bowl. one game for 1.50. cheap cheap. when we reached there, the place was totally empty. and only one lane's playing which was us. the toilet's darn clean. but the bowling system very chaotic. kept hanging up.
this guy came to play. and oh my, he either strike or spare. power man. i was very lousy lah. oh yea, the girls gave me my birthday present. haha. i like it a lot. but i must lose a lot of fats to wear that lah. so fat how to wear.
from top, clockwise : me, youhui(yoyo), yanling, stella, huihui.
le noir;
8:19 AM
17th Dec - ZhengHua Band performance at MacRitchie. time unsure.
18th Dec - SWSYouth performance outside Paragon from 2.00pm to 3.30pm.
i really hate to take sides. one can look at this issue from different angles. and at certain points of view, both parties did have their right and wrong. i don't wish everyone's still continually dwelling on it. we shall let bygones be bygones. okay? aye. i really have no idea what to say.
did anyone catch monday's project runway? who's out???
time: 12.34am
date/day: 14th Dec/Wed
le noir;
12:01 AM
ytd's jc bandfest was not bad. i love the pieces that barnes and reed bands played. nice nice. 11 bucks well spent. many of the ncos went too. i was just wondering why so many took the stall seats. i got the circle seats on the second floor. darn darn. but nvm, at least i get to hear good music.
can't wait for next year's bandfest. bet it'll be even better.
can't wait for tmr. going out with my buddies. hee. it's been AGES since i last saw them. we're going to bowl tmr. yeah yeah. it's going to be damn fun. ah... can't wait!
i have watched drumline for countless times and i still think it's nice. maybe i really miss band. i miss bass clarinet's sound. especially yesterday night, when the reed band's bass clarinetist played something like a mini duet in one of the pieces. ah ah ah, i miss prestige.
i miss band!
time: 11.14pm
date/day: 13th Dec/Tue
le noir;
10:40 PM
there's mus`art concert at esplanade today. so i asked rohai and fern along to watch. met up with the ncos. and yup we watched the concert together. i thought some running parts were not clean but it was quite alright lah. it's actually my first concert after o's. =)
i hate that uncle. i merely knocked into him. i apologised and he "tzzupp" me. ILL-MANNERED! was so coincidental that he sat in front of me. he slept through some of the songs. RUDE! u get in to the hall to appreciate music, not enjoy the air-con and ambience and SLEEP! NONSENSE!
after the concert, we bump into mr er and the cousin-bands gang. ah, it's just so great to see everyone again. then, we sent fern off. not really though. ha. went to have dinner with the rest at LJS at marina sq. we walked around the place without much aim. after which, we headed off to suntec. went to find yeelu and oh my, her reaction was so big. haha.
we went to arcade and played that vigourous game. our palms went numb after that. we went off separate ways after that. me, rohai and zat went window shopping a while. and i went *hint hint* all the time. if only i have the cash, i won't have to hint.
we went raffles city shopping centre. walked around. did some embarassing stuff. when we were on our way back, we passed by this chocolate shop, Prestat. the salesman was so friendly, humourous and HOT-PINKED. ha. he let us tried some chocolate samples. the first was the dark chocolate.
he: how does it taste like?
zat: dark chocolate?
me: duh...
he: (using his ever serious-promotion tone) no lah. it's actually white chocolate. we added artificial colouring to it.
me: *widens eyes*
he: HIAK HIAK. no lah! just joking... *continue his HIAK laughter*
us: burst into laughter.
the chocolates were not that bad. i liked the crystalised orange that's dipped in choco.has a real unique taste. *HINT* oops.
tmr's another round of concert. JC band fest! cool. can't wait to see my seniors playing there. reminds me that i need to get flowers.
time: 12.36am
date/day: 12th Dec/Monday
le noir;
11:52 PM
mum, dad and my 2nd bro went to jurong point to deal with some bank/cheque issues. left me and 1st bro at home. i wish i could have gone with them too. at least i can go on some random shopping. not like now, stuck at home due to rain.
people, there's a mus`art concert at esplanade at 3pm tmr. it's free. so yeah, do go with ur pals or bandmates for the concert. and at 5pm, there's performance outside paragon. bet it's for christmas. do check it out yeah.
i wonder when will mr manager give me a call.
i just farted.
i inhaled. (it stinks.)
i'm exhaling.
2112 2112 2112 2112 2112 2112 2112 2112 2112 2112 2112 !!!
go figure out if you don't know.
no, not 4D. try harder.
bored bored. when will mama, papa and korkor be back???
time: 5.34pm
date/day: 10th Dec/Saturday
le noir;
5:15 PM
was out with fern and roheea yesterday. we did check out that second-hand jeans shop. hmm, we didn't get anything from there. nothing nice caught my eyes. no wonder the jeans' owners sold them.
then we went for our mini-lunch at yakun. we proceed to bugis junction for some random shopping. also to bugis village. the two girls got their stuff. me? haha i have no idea what to get for myself so i didn't get anything.
i miss band like MAD!
today, i went bowling with jiayi, loyi, yeelu and han inn at yishun safra. fun fun. after which, i accompanied them to look for dance courses. i was interested in culinary courses actually. ha! after which, we went to walk around at northpoint. at the same time i asked for employment. darn. everything's too late i guess. not much vacancies left. we went back to causeway point. ate a bit at burger king and walked around. bought shorts from S&K. i need new clothes leh. so if COLDwear's manager or whoever-that-provide-the-job-for-me, please please, give me the job!
went to COLDwear to find weipin. haha. stayed that quite long to chat with him. then went around to look for jobs. when i was about to leave music junction, i saw this familiar backview of a tiny and short girl, with darn brown hair. so so so familiar. then i called out, shirley! AH! it's really her. haha. i really miss this girl lah. AGES since i last saw her. then we walked around a while before we went off.
feet aching like mad. tomorrow i think i'll get down to shaw centre for interview at chomel. =) let's hope it works k? i'm so so so bored at home.
time: 8.24pm
date/day: 8th Dec/Thu
le noir;
7:51 PM
pretty weird dreams nowadays.
i dreamt that i was celebrating my birthday with local celebrities at night. they were playing card games on my bed. and i was wearing my prom dress. that happened at 8plus in my dream. at 10.30pm, i went to the door of my house and i saw a few celebrities holding on to waterbombs, trying to throw them at me.
and i woke up.
nevermind about that. went to sign up for a job at COLDwear at suntec cos yeelu's working there. i thought the business there is rather good. let's pray i get the job.
know what? i'm so darn bored at home. i just positioned myself about 3 metres away from the tv and glued my eyes to the tv for more than 6 hours. no life.
better better stuff to look forward to. tmr's shopping trip with rohai and perhaps some others. hunting for cheap and good jeans. saw this shop on tv and i thought why not just find this shop and check out the stuff there. i mean really, where to get jeans starting from 5 bucks and imports from japan??? i must check out. then, on 12th, there's jc band fest. and on 14th, going to bowl with my long-time-no-see buddies. aiyo. miss them like hell.
bored. totally.
shud's going to hongkong tmr. aye. have fun, girl!
boohoohoo. i've never been to bored before. bah...
time: 10.36pm
date/day: 6th Dec/Tue
le noir;
10:09 PM
i dreamt that when i got back my results, i got and E8 for my Chemistry and total L1R5 is 31. holy piece of shit. is this a bad omen? if i ever get that for the real thing, i think i'll continue sleeping for the rest of my life.
eh, doesn't make sense.
nevermind about that.
i was just clearing up some junk in the drawers and i found my class pictures throughout my 12 years of education. brought back a lot of wonderful memories. the yearbooks did made me tear a little. i hate to admit but i really miss riverside, all my schoolmates, my close buddies.
happier happier things. sims! i wish there's cheat codes in real life. i can get 50 000 simoleons *snaps fingers* just like that. and that woman, whose name is avril(yes, her last name is lavigne. don't ask why.), wants to woohoo(have sex w/o getting babies) with 3 different guys. i can't stand her. sims are dumb actually. no, not the game. the people, sims.
come to think of it, life's pretty boring and not exciting after o's. it was exciting. not really that exciting now. see, here's where contradiction starts. when there's o's, everyone was like man, when will o's end... i can't wait for o's to end. now, when one has nothing to do, like me, she will go i rather continue studying... at least i won't be that bored.
time: 8.58pm
date/day: 3rd Dec/Saturday
le noir;
8:29 PM
i'm totally hooked to sims 2(with holiday edition in it). shud got it for me as a darn early birthday present. it's real cool. pretty realistic characteristics in there. but i don't understand why the girl that i'm playing wants to have 3 loves at one go. greedy woman.
right. so maybe people won't be seeing me online that often. and now you know why.
thanks shud and the rest who shared the gift. i didn't expect that it's coming so early. hee.
date: 2.12.05 friday
le noir;
7:58 AM
16 going on 17
Ngee Ann Poly
Bass clarinetist
- Holga 120SF
- Nice Caption Tees
- Big glam pumps
- Leather watch
- New big tote
- New birks
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
Aizat prom`05 Shuyan+Mike's day off to Aus
30th NCO Forum
MCM T108
chillout with mel
30th nco chalet
beautiful sunday
bowling outing
christmas eve @ hiding place
SWO Concert`05
Fern's day off to Aus
Friday bowl
NYDC + Towning
Meetup with buddies+MUSE