HAPPY 17th(cao lao) BIRTHDAY, YANLING!!! wish you all the best in your future endeavours. study hard and get good results!!! love you loads loads. is there anything known as gastric exhaustion? i think i'm getting it soon. maybe already. been eating good stuffs for near to like everyday. someone, save me. oh, this reminds me of the need to run. AIYA! i need temp jobs. intro intro leh.
whee. so yesterday was yanling's birthday. wah, she's like 17 already. 17 is like... OLD! hahaha. no lah. just felt that the responsibility one holds is more compared to when one is 16. she wanted some buffet so we ended up at goodwood park hotel for its international buffet.
the moment we stepped in to the lounge, we were cheated. hmm, damn fruit juice that burst the worst price limit i had in mind. goodness. and it was like so little i could finish in one breath. ah... felt so duped.
hmmm, but the food was not bad. i personally like the veal and its cakes. haha. the prawns are butt-smacking nice. pasta too. hmmm, the ice cream too. hahaha.
it was like soooooooooooooo filling. heee. i miss crapping with them a lot k. all of them are studying currently-3 nyjcians and 1 taylorsian(sounds a bit wrong, hahaha). me? school-less. jobless. slacker.
my favourite people, always.
le noir;
6:56 PM
today, we met up again and went to funan's kimage school for some highlights. it's fun to have 4 to 5 people surrounding you, listening to a pro on how to highlight your hair. i spent like 2 and half hours there. my hairdresser even asked me to be her model for her exam. my honour. haha. come to think of it, i don't mind lah. best is that she can ask me to be her model for colour and haircut exam. wahahaha. all foc. tmr, i'll be down at goodwood park hotel for buffet cos yanling's celebrating her birthday! whee. cant wait to EAT again. =X
yesterday, i was out with yeelu aka miss bad brain. we were heading to sentosa, hoping to get good tan at the end of the day.
we went to harbourfront centre for some breakfast. the dou hwueh at jollibean damn nice lah. after which, we went to palawan beach. ah, very little people cos it's weekdays which is good yeah.
we crossed the bridge and got over to the southest point of asia continent. haha.
whee. i enjoyed listening to the sea. calm calm calm.
so we were sitting at the beach, crapping as usual, and singing to the tune of "stick with you" and "walk away".
but, goodness, it started to drizzle and all. so we had our backup plans. off to makan and shopping.
and oh, bad brain started to feel pain in her tummy and started to feel dizzy. she even fainted at 3am yesterday. man. so accompanied her to see doctor.
we went to noodle hut for lunch too.boo.
le noir;
9:24 PM
got back to band yesterday with shud and afiq. afiq's slimmed down a lot.
they were playing this piece that was specially written for rssw. it sounded a bit cheena. and pretty dead. perhaps they're tired and there was no more enthusiasm left.
had a good long chat with mdm lim. it's good to have someone older to share your joy and some personal issues. haha.
enjoy laughing with shud too. we were eating mash potato in band room secretly without neo knowing.
miss u lots fern.
hmm oh yeah, i didn't go for any jogging yet. lack of that motivation for it. it's always during the night that i feel the need to workout. but when i get up in the morning, my mind just goes "ah, we'll postpone it yeah." and that's bad i know.
finally i'll be out of house tmr. to get yanling's present. hee. thu maybe going beaching with yeelu since she's got nothing to do and i need the sun. so yeah. fri will be day out with my colleagues! whee. can't wait to shop. sat, will be going with youhui and gang to celebrate yanling's bday. sun will be maternal grandma's birthday celebration.
oh no, looks like lots of eating yeah.
i can't believe i'm procrastinating.
oh yeah, i caught three movies today. not at the cinema, duh. 40 days and 40 nights, honey and a walk to remember. oh my, shane west melts my heart.
saranghayeo, means i love you.
le noir;
9:12 PM
and oh, mely joined us. she ar, board a cab. but ended up at ACS(I). funny eh. half way through, i was shocked by jaryl. piang eh, suddenly popped up in front of me and shouted my name. plus the extra lil' performance that mel gave me. hahahaha. cya guys soon yeah. we headed down to holland v and ate xiao long bao there. ah, not as nice as the ones at that imperial something restaurant at marina sq. after which, we wanted to go town. so we board the 106 bus. but oops. wrong side. haha. we went a bit of window shopping around orchard. reminds me to shop more later. hahahahaha. can't wait for friday to come so me, mely and sying can go and crash ij. and hopefully meet some cute guys there. oh yah! i finally got in touch with bimbo. she's got as aussie line. she'll most probably be online by next week. u better come online lah girl. miss u truckloads. i love everyone many many.
shud, me and siying went to funorama yesterday. funorama makes fiesta riverside seem like nothing at all. ac's big actually.
once we reached there, we started to use our tickets on food and drinks there. the nachos there right, damn nice.
we wanted to go to the haunted house but the queue was like super long. i like this piece of art. it's really nice.
oh and this stall, TOOK MY NAME!!!! and changed the Bs to Ps. bah.
siying wanted to take pic with this choco fondue mascot guy. he's cute lah. haha. he looked like one of the athletes whose name i can't recall.
pardon the blurness. blame it on the lousy camera and the fact that the bus was moving, quite vigorously if i didn't remember wrongly.
le noir;
9:39 AM
hmmm. yesterday was my last day at work. got "retrenched". so i brought my camera and started to snap snap pictures. that's yaya and me. she's my teh tarik buddy. haha and she got good bods.
oh ya, we've this shopping list and my papillio sandals was on the top of the list. you know, motivation to work. haha. so i decided to get my sandals yesterday!
yaya and jannah followed me to wheelock and tanglin to check out. i got mine at tanglin.
le noir;
7:41 AM
i spent the rest of yesterday with rohai, siying, melydia and alloysius. we went to bugis to atch i not stupid too. oh, that darn movie moved me to tears for quite a number of times. i don't mind watching again actually. after which, we roamed around and went to orchard on some random window shopping. sales are EVERYWHERE! too bad i didn't bring my card along. if not i would have shopped my heart out.
yesterday, i met up with rohai and shir shir to go to the airport to send bimbo off. that's the group of us who went.
it was like damn damn early but i don't mind. if not right, i dunno when i'll see this woman again.
bimbo... i miss you leh. aye aye. but really, do take care of yourself there yeah.
and don't don't don't bimbo too much there ah.
that's her with her family.
i videoed her journey in and whenever i looked at the video, i almost cry. especially the part when she stepped into the departure hall and everyone went "aww". i think i'll upload it to youtube soon.
bimbo if you are reading this right, do mail me if i'm not online. =) i'm missing u heaps already.
keep smiling, keep shining, know that you can always count on me, for sure. that's what friends are for.
boo. i think i'm going to be out of job soon. most likely by the end of the week.
aiya, i need to go and watch american idols already!!!
le noir;
7:13 PM
why why why are so many of you leaving?
yesterday, i was down at changi airport to send.... nice nice shuyan...
and puny eyed mike off.
before that, me, mel, ys and fad were out to do shuyan's tee. that's the front...
and that's the back. =)
that's the mini scrapbook that me and mel did for mike.
saw the melbourne flight time? that's their flight time.
all of us with mike.
and that's all of us with shuyan.
at first, i thought i won't shed any tears cos i thought i'll be all happy for them since they are going to pursue their studies. but, when i saw shuyan's friends doing cheers for her and all hugging her tightly, i was so so upset. but i held my tears back.
then, we went to send mike off. i was quite alright till when i see he's really departing and his friends giving prayers to him, i couldn't help, but teared.
trust me, my tear glands are pretty active.
hey, shu and mike, if u happen to read this, i just want to let u guys know i'll really miss the two of u. tell us when u're back. and we'll all meet up, k? do take care of yourselves there. everyone at singapore will miss you all dearly. =)
oh, hazel went off to trinity that night too. all the best, girl!
rohai cried and when i saw her, my tears flowed. sheesh. i'm wondering whether i'll cry badly tomorrow. bimbo fern going off. hai.
le noir;
8:11 PM
Engineering Psychology Linguistics Theater Dance Journalism Philosophy Sociology Biology Anthropology Art Mathematics English Chemistry
You scored as Psychology. You should be a Psychology major! 100% 100% 92% 92% 92% 92% 83% 83% 83% 83% 67% 58% 58% 33%
What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with QuizFarm.com
le noir;
8:06 PM
these are my all-time favourite people!
so are they! i wonder what act's doing lah, same pose for both pics. hahaha.
aye aye! mr guru! he's just got a baby boy. i miss his jokes and stories.
that's me, fern, mel and shud.
remember this photo we took like a year ago?
we took it again yesterday.
went to shuyan's place after that. and we had some food and drinks. a mini get-together before she leaves for aussie. hai. she's leaving tmr. gosh.
le noir;
8:52 PM
blogspot decided to not let me publish my entry yesterday.
so i'll skip the photos and skip the random random stuff.
i got points that i didn't expect at all. i was damn happy i got distinction for english. i'm really really happy with my results.
i'll show the photos on other days perhaps. damn tired now. went shopping with jiayi just now. and yeah, spent quite a bit again.
i want to go mass com leh. should i?
le noir;
8:30 PM
it's like less than 24 hours lor.
i'm damn scared. what if i scored worse? what if my juniors ask about it? what if i disappoint my teachers? what should i do? shit man.
le noir;
7:37 PM
work was alright. managed to finish some parts. the work is just... neverending.
yeelu was late so i shopped around causeway point. i happened to bump into mrs jalil and i was so damn happy to see her. she's one of my favourite teachers throughout my sec 4 life. she's very patient and nice. chatted with her and i nearly teared cos i really miss her a lot.
met up with the girl and we went to yishun safra for bowling. darn. pros are there lah. i think only two of us are noobs. haha. really. i even called up aizat to ask him if he wants to come. but he rejected cos he wants his desperate housewives instead.
we played till 11.15pm and i just finished bathing.
i heard band's giving troubles again. rss band, listen up. you guys better treasure mr neo. people complaining helpers are useless? hello. if they are useless, we wouldn't have clinch that silver medal, which the majority of you nincompoops did not earn it, in syf. if u want respect, respect others first. you earn it, not just get it like snapping your short stubby fingers. and they are not useless for goodness sake. u guys are junk if people are to be compared to them. people even get the band members from the whole class to skip band. get a life, kids. you have yet to realise you are all missing out. call me a band freak if you want cos i am, and you ain't. ignorant ignorant fools.
so damn pissed.
and gosh, friday's the worst of all. i'm sort of dreading it. 1430 on fri i'll be dead, dead, dead.
best of luck to everyone who needs it. =)
le noir;
12:13 AM
that's fern and me on the train. i was reading fern's blog yesterday and know what, i cried. i'm going to miss this girl lah. you tell me, where can i find such bimbo, who is indecisive, has problems interpretting my jokes, willing to do anything for you, tries to make you smile when you cry, teaches you how to calm down when you are angry(woooooooSA!).... and many many more? i wonder what i'll do when she leaves. right right. enough of all this before i start to weep again. so another week's starting again. results? dead.
yup. so i went out with shud and fern today. didn't go to my aunt's house cos i thought it will be quite a hassle to travel. so yeah.
shud's enjoying her life at ij. that's good. her story was like so damn funny lah. but oh well, she thinks i'm a wet blanket. i'm trying to lessen her hopes so if it might not be real, at least, she won't feel that bad. but... aiya. nvm.
we went to the xiao long bao restaurant at marina square for lunch, again. haha. we walked around. followed shud to heeren to get her flip flops at num. i think i'm going to get the trekkers series one. i feel like getting my bro the tee for his birthday. after walking around, shud needs to rush off to meet her siblings to catch i not stupid. aiya, i wanted to watch it today with them. but we didn't. nvm, next time.
fern and me continued shopping. we went to wisma. off to topshop and i bought myself a top there. fern can't make up her mind so she called her mum. haha her mum and i had the same mindset- get both tops!!! after a long long while, that woman decides to get both. she should be happy right? but no, she wasn't. she started to regret when she stepped into forever 21. aiyo! this girl ah. next time, we go shop shop again k???
i wonder when.
le noir;
10:47 PM
16 going on 17
Ngee Ann Poly
Bass clarinetist
- Holga 120SF
- Nice Caption Tees
- Big glam pumps
- Leather watch
- New big tote
- New birks
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
Aizat prom`05 Shuyan+Mike's day off to Aus
30th NCO Forum
MCM T108
chillout with mel
30th nco chalet
beautiful sunday
bowling outing
christmas eve @ hiding place
SWO Concert`05
Fern's day off to Aus
Friday bowl
NYDC + Towning
Meetup with buddies+MUSE