oh the other photos are up on my shutterfly. link is at the bottom. do check it out if you want to. :) spent my saturday laughing away with yiangshan, stuart and fad. hahaha. i always love their company lah. shall you guys again next weekend if possible. *scratch scratch* going to meet jiayi, yeelu and loyi later for some catching up. teehee. oh, the previous entry right, i was like randomly putting down some names. if your name is not mentioned, fret not. you guys are in my heart. the list will just go on if i keep writing. haha. woo. time for breakfast! ta all.
i actually wrote this entry yesterday night. BUT, our dear blogger doesn't seem to like the entry a lot, so i got to write it again.
ohohoh, have a look at my rashes. my left arm's rashes.
the right arm's rashes.
i really think i will die of itch.
oh, friday night, some of us went to bowl. it's one of the events that the fms society came up with. i thought it was really awesome.
and, i didn't know we all love to take pictures. hahaha.
le noir;
12:55 AM
my arms look so fugly now, not as if they weren't ugly enough.
they itch like nobody's business and i have to scratch like there's no tomorrow for me to scratch.
school's been fun today. very. i had lots of laughs. and yeah, got to know everyone a little bit better.
i need to go on a shopping spree. someone ask me out on the weekends for some shopping k?
ohohoh, the week's been quite fast. i didn't realise it's already a friday.TGIF!
oh my, this is bad. i'm blogging so randomly. it's like each line is a different thought. bad bad bad.
i wonder how's everyone in school. like shud fernie bryan afiq tianze clement melissa(chan) 4/6`05 bandbandpeeps fad mel(nco) stuart shuyan yiangshan zat jaryl ncopeeps everyone. i miss u guys so so so much. i'm saying this all the time cos i really really miss u all.
and oh, if i continue to walk around the school for another month or so, i think i will shed a few more kilos. teeheehee.
k i'm off to catch some hot guys with starshea and gang! ta!
le noir;
4:20 PM
i hate sandflies. they ought to be chopped into microscopic bits and be fried in smelly overused hot cooking oil.
those sandflies at the court were so gross. they bit me and you all should take a look at my arms and thighs. damn the rashes.
my brother has been such a nice soul cos he offered to send me home just now. i love both of them!
i miss shuduan. i miss fernie. i miss my band band gang. i miss ncos. i miss everyone. i hope i can go over to shud's house or even to melbourne so i can whine/joke/rant with my other two. i miss u guys so so so so much.
le noir;
11:37 PM
volleyball training has been tiring. maybe it shouldn't be. just that, you know, it's been ages since i last ran the stadium.
training reminds me of days when i'm hanging out with the npcc people, playing basketball at the court behind the school.
guess what? i've got like another 3 hours to go before the fsv shorts thing.
bet i'll stay in school till the very late everyday. but thank goodness, tutorials don't start so early and all.
k lah enough of issues that doesn't concern anyone. i'm going to meet yaya now. so ta!
le noir;
3:57 PM
remember this lady, kelly osbourne? i love her new look now. very sleek and glam. she should have done it since forever. she looks so gorgeous now. ah...
le noir;
10:05 AM
first day of school was super slacky.
i still need to put some stuffs in place. things are kind of confusing. many things to read up. booboo.
scanvenger hunt was fun, can't deny that fact. i bet some of us know our way around the mcm block quite well already. but why must mcm block look so dark? maybe it was the rain yesterday. i really think it's creepy.
so today, i'll be meeting up some of the girls for lunch at school and there'll be training at six for volleyball.
joining volleyball doesn't mean i totally detach myself from band scene. i will still go to concerts, visit the band and everything. i still try to listen to bandmusic eh. =) (try here means to try to get hold of them. in case u don't know i have lost more than 1 Gb of bandmusic. *heartaches*)
yes, everyone's changing. for the better for the worse? i don't know. i hope it's for the better for everyone. my only wish is to keep in touch with everyone - those in aussie, those in jcs, one in taylors, those in poly, those still in school. everyone.
i wonder how's everyone.
so much for early morning mushy mushy issues.
i love everyone many many.
le noir;
8:22 AM
it was cjc's band concert yesterday evening. the hall was bigger than what i thought. which was quite nice. spacious and all.
i would say it's quite an enjoyable concert. percussion ensemble was really nice though i've seen a more challenging version than that. it was still good after all. elements of drumline were found inside eh. hahaha.
had fun with fad and mel.
today, went down to ps with fad and stuart. our usual pastamania lunch and gelare studying.
the starhub roadshow was the highlight of the day i suppose. justin ang kind of had eye contact with me and wanted me to get up the stage for some game thing but i avoided it. ha. but stuart desperately wanted the phone. i felt bad. but, oh well.
the lecherous ah pek deserved some slaps. he took out his very professional looking camera once jamie yeo went on stage. it was disgusting. i really hate lecherous male species.
on the train home just now, while i was so engrossed with my book, disturbing rhythms of ugly techno reached my 1/4 blocked ears. when i looked up, i saw this chao ah lian with fake tattoos on her skinny thighs. i nearly puked out the whole plate of vongole, which i had for lunch, right on her.
sorry to all techno fans, but i really really hate techno music. it's not even music to the ears. bah.
i hate wireless routers(huihui! i know u too.). poor connection and all. it's getting onto my nerves.
oh, like finally, school's starting.
i'm looking forward to school tmr. =)
le noir;
9:24 PM
i think guan ying ma heard me. means no more beef for me. sob.
oh, orientation yesterday was cool. i was kind of feeling lost while i was standing there waiting for registration to start. i hate to feel that way. but once i got in to the lecture theatre, i was much relieved.
the girls in my class rock my ass off. we clique.
the booboo part was that the guys in my class seem kind of unexpectedly quiet. no idea why. just hope they'll open their golden mouths on monday.
speaking of which, i think next week's going to be a very hectic yet cool week. i bet it'll be a late night home kind of thing.
monday: lessons from 8 to 3. scavenger hunt after lessons and i doubt it'll end early.
tuesday: volleyball trial in the evening till 9 i think. (yes, volleyball. not band anymore.)
wednesday: song composing club trial, followed by short films screening in the evening again.
thursday: i think volleyball again. not really sure about that.
friday: friday bowl at bukit batok i-don't-know-where for bowling.
i suppose this is our ice breaker thing. cos other courses have two-days orientation unlike us. weird.
after my orientation yesterday, i went off to rjc with smelly fart and his friend to catch a rock concert. it's for a good cause too. some fund-raising thing.
oh my goodness. i love electrico to bits and pieces. the crowd got so hyped up. so did i. i'm going to get their new album this june.oh, and amanda ling is so so so cool.
this is spanishfly. another local band i think. they're not bad.
oh and this e.i.c. band was really good. though i only went in there a while to listen to them, i thought their songs were great. nice vocals too.
rock on, local music.
man, fad and me were looking for electrico so we could take pictures with them. but, they just *poof* and disappeared. bah.
i just hope they will have their own concert soon.
le noir;
2:36 PM
jia lat liao.
tmr orientation already.
i was wondering if everyone will be super cocky and ignore my introduction.
i was wondering if anyone is ever going to talk to me.
i was wondering if anyone is going to let me be their friend.
scary lah. people around told me how bitchy people can get. esp those in mcm. somebody prove them wrong please. i need assurance.
i think it's not going to be that bad afterall. BAH!
happier happier things. ELECTRICO'S GIG tomorrow!!! cannot wait. i want to see amanda ling in person.
and oh. today was last day of my work. somehow, i don't really bear to leave the workplace. i never like the idea of leaving, especially when i am perfectly alright with everyone there. aye, i'm going to miss everyone. i sure miss those mornings of crazy laughters. madness! u guys take care hor! we'll see each others soon!
guan ying ma, please please, give me good and nice souls as my classmates. i swear not to eat beef anymore if you let me have friendly and approachable people as classmates.
le noir;
10:04 PM
have i told u all my job is terribly boring?
it is suckaoly boring.
but today's slightly better. to think that i can do a different task, i was much much happier cos i was doing it with the very mad linda.
and today's the first day that i do OT. so nice to have the whole office to yourself. not really whole office lah, but the place was like si bei quiet so we can laugh like mad people.
just that now the new in-charge looks so damn fierce. he hardly has any smiles on his face. brrr. unfriendly.
i'm going to be done with seven types of amibiguity soon. hahahahaha.
i slow reader lah.
so so so nice lah. u can see so many thoughts within.
school's starting in 6 days time. orientation in 3 days time.
i don't know why but i can't help feeling a lil' worried about the type of people i'll meet. cocky people OUT! i detest cocky people. i pray to guan ying ma that i will get good classmates. the most i stop taking in beef okay? no beef but good classmates. DEAL!
fern's going back in a few days time. aye. shuyan's already at melbourne liao. jidangao. why all go back so fast?
le noir;
10:15 PM
met up with my crapping people. hahaha. out of five, three are sick. but we still went to eat at seoul garden.
the worst thing that happened to me was that i couldnt taste any food. as in, i can only find out whether this is sweet, that is salty, that kind of thing. i can't move on to higher levels of taste. bah.
we went down to town cos huihui wants to go to kinokuniya to get books.
the hardcore muggers. gathering also study. *shakes head*
we are the slackers and we are sick. i know i very fat.
it was rather a short trip to town. as in after huihui got all her stuff, everyone heads back home. me? i went to bishan and rot at the coffee bean there. i love my book.
waited for people to meet up to go to shuyan's hse. but but but, it turned out only me and mel going. brrr.
we had dinner there and after that we went to her room and looked at the beadsy jewellery that her sis is selling.
we chatted. and after staring at those beadsy stuff we decided to silly things with them. teehee.
i came out with the new style! LOL. belt as hairband.
hahahaha mel zi lian ah...
the craziest of all. shuyan shu shu. =)
i think we deserve some commission from this. advertisement leh.
this is super funny. we wanted to be taitais lah. so mel was wearing shuyan's furry bolster cover as a shrug or something. hahaha. then we all were taking those furry furry pens. and me trying to carry shuyan's super heavy luggage and rush for a trip to paris. LOL.
the three of us. (my fats are super irritating.) hai. i think i will miss shuyan a lot a lot cos she's leaving so soon. she's leaving for melb in 2 more days time. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO GO SO SOON? come back during june/july break k? then everyone will go your house and turn it upside down. aye. we will all miss u. =)
that reminds me of fernie. heng ah. i still have one more precious week with her. girl, if you're reading this, give me a call soon if i don't happen to be online. we must make sure we meet up again for some cheapo shopping. =)
i will be a super nice girl cos i'm staying at home and pleasing mummy today. i want to finish seven types of ambiguity by today. cos i have two more books on hold.
i think my lappie is a very scary white thing. i'm using the power adaptor now. and when i put it on my lap, i think i can feel electricity pass through thick layers of lipids and hit my nerves. ouchie ouch ouch.
le noir;
9:37 AM
right. new skin. my skin somehow appears a lil' weird at safari. so i found this nice skin and decided i should change it.
it was quite a fuss lah. i found the skin at my laptop but i can't edit the skin there. so i send the skin over to this com and edit it here. brrr i love this girl. i love her songs.
go put your records, tell me youre favourite song. you go ahead let your hair down.
oh yesterday while i was at swensens with the girls, i heard aerosmith's don't wanna miss a thing. no idea why, but i love that song many many.
i always have a picture of bon jovi singing this song.
i go pang sai.
le noir;
8:50 AM
14th april. the day we achieved our long lost silver medal. the day of victory and pride.
but i guess most of the people forgotten except us. yeah.
remember me saying in last entry that it's a bandband people outing?
boo. it turned out to be the three of us only.
unpredictable humans.
so the three of us went down to marina square for lunch at swensens. despite my blocked nose and slightly sore throat, i still took its breaded chicken. yes, sinful.
yes, i am trying to make my double chin go away. the fries were nice.
then we went to get tickets for "eight below". i didnt feel like watching it at first cos i thought it will be another boring movie.
but i was so wrong. it's really nice lah. i will give 4 out of 5 stars for it. dogs are really humane sometimes. love it.
i hate the seal though. such ugly creature in the movie.
after the movie, we went to max brenner at esplanade.
the ambience's good. good for small group gatherings or couple couple date. i love the lightings there.
that's the random creation by our great hands sister, shud.
it's yet another sinful trip down to max brenner. chocolates, chocolates, and MORE chocolates. i like fern's suckao. suckao sounds so vulgar lah.
chao suckao lah, u filthy worthless dirt. hahahahaha.
i love strawberries.
they very spastic.
so am i.
i hate it when people turned down other people's requests. not as if she hasn't asked enough. i know it. we all know it. i think you too. we're just drifting away. stop denying. we are. accept the fact, you suckao.
i hate it when i sms someone and the person just leaves me hanging in the air without answering me. do you know how rude it is? it is as good as having a face to face talk and when one asks a question, the other just walk away, without even saying anything. plain impertinence.
i like the music shop at marina square - ear2 music. i love the songs that are played everytime i pass by there.
i cannot wait for tmr. meet up with youhui and gang. evening will be going down to shuyan's house. =) fun fun!
le noir;
9:22 PM
after which, i went to meet up with the ncos cos we are going to meet up shuyan! actually, i was expecting a crowd or something. BUT, it turned out that only the closer ones came. but nevermind. i like it that way. it was such a nice evening together. i miss this kind of gatherings. we used to have so many of them when everyone just sit down and talk about anything. i miss shuyan. i miss everyone. i miss the laughters. i miss the juicy(uh uh uhuh uhuh uh uh uh uh uh uh... juicy) gossips. i miss the scandalous stories. i miss everything about everyone. i hope we can meet up one more time before shuyan goes back to melb. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmr will be going out with the band band peeps cos it's one year anniversary for syf. i didn't notice it until bimbo typed out at msn and i realise how come the date looks so familiar. max brenner for tmr! i cannot wait.
so yesterday, i met up with fernie. we had heaps of fun shopping. i bet she felt more thrilled cos she got so many things. people deprived of impulsive shopping. singapore's the best lah.
we were at zara doing some shirt shopping. oh fern's a good size finder. hahaha. but that's not the point.
so while i was looking at the tops, fern came to me.
fern: *taps my shoulder* eh eh eh, that girl looks like shuyan hor?
me: *looking at the girl's backview* hanor hanor. so similar. *look longer*
-the girl turned to her side.
fern&me: *jump* it's her!
hahahah such a coincidence lah. singapore is indeed a tiny puny island.
then we chatted a bit lah. it's so nice to have a friend who knows your another friend. so cool.
we went to nydc for snacking. it was my first time there(hana... sua gu mah) so i wasnt quite familiar with the menu there. i thought elephanccino is just like name for their mochas and other drinks. god knows it was the name of the size of my mocha.
jidangao. so bitchy lah. i reckoned it's near to a litre of mocha. and the tiramisu mudpie was... weird. u know tiramisu right, there's liquor content in it. i was expecting the taste of tiramisu but i tasted chocolate and vanilla. a bit disappointed.
but when i burped(after that 1 litre of elephanccino), i could smell/taste the liquor lor.
weird. first time my dearest bimbo spent so impulsively. very good. we shall do impulsive shopping again soon!
i love her!
hahaha zat's head is blocked by smelly fart.
everyone's in including the BK auntie. hahaha. yiangshan's face 1/2. hahaha.
le noir;
12:31 PM
the cycle repeats again. tmr work again. *yawn*.
ah life has been dull and not interesting at work. doing those kind of work will lower my IQ. and with the fact that my mp3's dead, i'm most likely to be dead too.
hmmm, i'll let the pictures flood my blog since it's been a long long time since i last posted so much pics here.
hmmm, on 6th apr, my dear friend jiayi turned 17. eee. old woman. =X
we headed down to town cos i need to collect my lappie. and i saw so many ppl doing the same too. maybe one of those will be my classmates. =)
we took neo-prints. havent been taking those useless yet memorable lil' things since... i don't know, half a year? god knows. heee.
and here's the birthday girl! so many people turning 17. i don't want my turn to come. i want to be forever 16.
hurray! fern's finally back with us. whee. we met up yesterday. i miss her presence so so so much.
was supposed to reach orchard at 1pm so i can find carrie chong and extort some hollaback crew tickets from her.
but we reached there a good hour later.
she was gone. just like that.
i missed a great chance. anyway, we had our lunch at fish & co at centrepoint. wah the calamari damn nice lah. so soft. but darn the cholesterol. swordfish looks scary. so big and chunky. hahaha. i like the ambience there.
did some catch up with fernie. it's only some cos most of it have been done over the phone while she was at aus. hahaha. fish and co staff are so nice. they gave us free polaroid. hahah we even asked if she could give us five of it. but nah, can't lah. i love polaroids. so old-school yet so cool.
oh the last sentence rhymes. these are the girls!
ohohoh, can u spot any pattern?
hahaha. open toes. close toes. open. close. open. tada!
right. that's was crappy. aiya. i miss this kind of threesome thing. everytime we go for concerts, we sure take such photos.
their debut concert.
ah. the big crowd. no wonder tickets are sold out. oh and that blurred face in the foreground is mr er. so coincidental that he was sitting in front of us. he's still so humourous and cute lah. i miss those days.
the people.
and that's the unity band. they've improved, definitely. =) great to see a lot of familiar faces there. it's just like cousin bands reunion kind of thing.
oh and today, i went out with mel, ys, fad and stuart. they wanted to mug. so we went to ps. smelly fart was late for near to 2 hours. he nearly killed three people. a filling lunch at long john and gelare's hotty chocolate sure make my sunday nicer.
had lots of fun laughing and bishi-bashi-ing. haha. it's like some kind of routine thing already. every sunday we never fail to go to arcade and play bishi bashi. it's so addictive. ohohohohohohohoh. this is my pretty white thing. i'm still trying to get used to the mac thing. going on pretty well. and that's no longer my wallpaper. i've changed it to the pic with the five of us at fish&co.
le noir;
10:23 PM
16 going on 17
Ngee Ann Poly
Bass clarinetist
- Holga 120SF
- Nice Caption Tees
- Big glam pumps
- Leather watch
- New big tote
- New birks
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
Aizat prom`05 Shuyan+Mike's day off to Aus
30th NCO Forum
MCM T108
chillout with mel
30th nco chalet
beautiful sunday
bowling outing
christmas eve @ hiding place
SWO Concert`05
Fern's day off to Aus
Friday bowl
NYDC + Towning
Meetup with buddies+MUSE