my results are not showing a good sign. it reminds me of chemistry times. no good no good.
i haven't seen any As yet. people around me are slowly getting theirs. congrats.
it reminds me of prelims period. aye. cruel reality.
just let me slip away.
le noir;
11:43 PM
long day yesterday. i just feel like hanging myself upside down.
it's not a good idea to visit town near to everyday. yesterday was my third consecutive day there. the moment i see all those similar buildings, big roads and people, i feel like puking. yucks.
what to do? i got to get presents for those june babies in class. aye aye.
hahahaha. yesterday was pretty much a laughy day. me and tong laugh like there's no tomorrow. everywhere. on the bus, in town, HAN'S! hahahahahahahahaha.
talking about HAN'S, me and tong saw what we wanted to see!!! hahahahahaha. derric's SCANDAL. woohoo. lol. i shall post up the pictures soon soon. that is when i'm done with work.
yesterday was my second night lying down on the floor sleeping. that was how tired i am.
man, is it the weather or is it just me? pimples multiply on my face. GROSS. i could have left them alone but, i can't. squeeze them all!!!
good good. everyone's back home. MEET UP!
le noir;
8:32 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONG! 17 years old is like... old. hahahhaa. no lah. kidding. enjoy your 17 year old life. wooo.
day started out with me waiting for the rest of those people to meet me to meddle with tong's present. but, none turn up. so tong met me up and we went to radio together. radio class today is bloody fun. i always enjoy radio classes. =)
some of us went down to town with tong for her mini birthday celebration. hahaha. she's high as usual. i think i'm going to get so sick of waffles from gelare soon. eating them more than once a week is enough to send me to the coffin.
after that, we went to watch RV. the movie's kind of funny in a lame way. i laugh at tong more. hahahaha.
then some of us hang out. and then we zoom home.
ah. hope u enjoyed ur day ah! *big big hug*
oh my gosh. ELECTRICO'S ALBUM is OUT!!!! i can't wait to lay my fingers on them.
i think i have been too mean lah. pimple goddess is planting more and more pimples on my face. don't like that lah, pimple goddess. i will TRY to be nice to my friends. teehee.
i was charging my lap ytd night and i ended up sleeping for half and hour on the floor. damn pain.
hmmm loving T108 more and more.
pangsai time!
le noir;
12:09 AM
people are kind of bored recently. see, all these tags. brrr.
Name 21 people you can think of right off the top of your head?
1. Fern
2. Shud
3. Siying
4. Melydia
5. Melissa(chan)
6. Melissa(nco)
7. Fad
8. Stuart
9. Yiangshan
10. Charissa
11. Daphne
12. Tong
13. Joshua
14. Derric
15. Yeelu
16. Youhui
17. Huihui
18. Yanling
19. Cheryl(da jie)
20. Shirley
21. Jiayi
1. How did you meet 14?
- HAHA. in school? yeah. in school.
2. What would you do if you never met 6?
- i will live my life without a part of her. duh. hahaha.
3. What would you do if 20 and 9 date?
- hahahahaha they are both straight girls lah. (hopefully. hahahahahaha.)
4. Did you ever like 5?
- always do, still do. hahaha in fact, i love her a lot. =)
5. Would 3 and 12 make a good couple?
- hahahahahaa i think they will just die in each other's nonsense.
6. Describe 8
- bitchily, irritatingly funny.
7.Do you think 13 is attractive?
- Attractive in his own way. hahaha. tiongtiong likes can alr. hahahahaha.
8.Tell me something about 17
- she's one of my favourite crapping pals. hahaha. she's craving for my cookies!!!
9. Do you know any of 4's family members?
- hahahaha. i dont think i know any of her family members.
10. What's 21's favorite color?
11. What would you do if 18 just confessed he/sheliked you?
- man. she always like me, right right yanling?
12. What language does 20 speak?
- English and mandarin.
13. Who is 9 going out with?
- LOL. people still young and innocent. not going out with anyone right right right?
14. What grade is 16 in?
- Jc year 1.
15. When's the last time you talked to 13?
- like hours ago. i said byebye. hahahah.
16. What perfume does number 2 uses?
- she doesnt use perfume.
17. Would you ever date 7?
- i always do. hahaha.
18. Would you ever date 1?
- DUH! i want to see her now!!
19. Is 15 single?
- she's single but unavailable. hands off people.
20. What is 19's last name?
- LEOW! hee.
21. Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 11?
- serious friendship, yes! hahahahah.
22. What school does 3 go to?
- IJC.
23. Where does 10 live?
- Somewhere in jurong i think.
24. What's your favorite thing about 10?
- her ability to tahan all my shit hahahahaha.
25.Have you seen number 1 naked?
- LOL. no. dont want to. =X
anyone who's bored can do this. hahahaha.
le noir;
10:39 PM
on my knees, i'll ask, last chance for one last dance...
that line just made me go "aww"...
i so agree with daph this is DA emo song. for now at least.
yesterday was great, minus the lectures(boring, oops) part. i can't wait for later. wahahaha. that's for tonight's entry.
my skin's peeling so badly. i need to get scrubs.
FERN! if u see this, PLEASE sms me which days you are free so i can date you out. quick quick!
i want to buy the whole of art friends. man, i really want to.
i seriously think random blogging should stop. BUT i like leh(hahahahaha).
cause with you, i'd withstand all the hell to hold your hand.
le noir;
6:56 AM
i think i look like ah neh now. no offence, but really, i'm bloody dark now. my teeth practically glow in the dark. scary.
school's reopening tmr. hahahaha. i finally found the courage to check MEL for upcoming assignments and gosh, i thought i shouldn't have looked at it. i can picture myself working till early mornings. and i think i can see darker rings circling my eyes soon. holy shit.
red is giving me problems again. i mean, how can red arrive so early, again? i need those darn pills one more time.
it's like july alr. damn fast.
fernie fern fern's on the way back to xin jia po. goodie. i can't wait to meet her up. shuyan and mike are coming back too. ah ah ah. more gatherings ahead. whee.
i feel like stuffing myself with pastries, pastries, and more pastries. then i can die of diabetes cos i don't work out.
i really think i haven't been spending enough time with mamapapa and korkors. cos i felt like it's been months since i last ate with dinner them together at the same dining table. hmmmm. nevermind. i am a nice girl today. i ate with them. teehee.
something's urging me to have a korean dramas marathon now. hahaha. fancy me having such cravings when school's reopening. how nice. ha. mum's watched so many sets alr and i havent been watching any since... god-knows-when. boo. i am so deprived of dramas.
oh, not really. real-life drama is like everyday issue. hahaha.
i really think i look like ah neh.
le noir;
5:05 PM
hmmmmmmmmmmm. i'm over sun-kissed.
sentosa with cha, tong, daph and josh. it was good though i expected more people to come along. but, oh well, nevermind. there will always be a next time.
it was a sunny sunny afternoon yesterday. at first i thought it was going to rain damn badly. but, thank goodness, sun's out so i can tan whatever shit i want.
daphtongchame in that nice nice toilet. josh went off and joined us later on. so yeah.
kisses under the sun.
i am fat.
damn cha. she's freaking groping my ass. take advantage of me. BOO!
tong and her good "kiap doritos" skills.
we love balls. i mean volleyball.
sexy red bikini bimbo with our flipflops.
then around 6 plus, we went to wendy's house. gosh her house is like... WOW!!! hahahaha. i can play a game of hide and seek with 50 people lor. hahahhaa. and everyone will have a place to hide. hee. it was really nice of wendy's family to have us there. thanks wendy! =)
bbq was fun i thought. hee. i was freaking full lah. hahaha. marshmallows are the best things after bbq. hee. miss cordelia came too. then we took a lot of pics with my eyebrows fading off. hahaha. damn sick. pics are with cha.
ice cream after that. tehtarik ice cream was real good. almost all the flavours there are nice lah. gosh i shld bring my people down there some day.
hahahahha i really don't know how people can actually stay awake watching soccer. watching the first 7 minutes can just make me doze off. hahhaa. or maybe it's just me. or maybe it's just the drink. or maybe it's just too much food. hahahahahha.
the whole morning was damn chocolatey. i went to look at wendy's fridge. GOSH. i saw many many boxes of chocolates. hahaha. royce chocolates are kind of worth dying for. hmmm, maybe not dying for. just worth drooling. it was damn good. then ice cream, again. i feel the sugar and fats levels rising.
overall, i felt it was ok. i mean everyone did enjoyed themselves. but i was expecting something crazier and more exciting. hahaha like doing something totally stupid and playing lots of games. hmmm, oh well. i always believe in "next time"s.
and yes, tong. monday! we shall have some real FUN!
scratch your toes, hit your head, bite your ears, smell your nails, chew your hair.
le noir;
9:50 PM
today's thursday. that means tmr's friday. and that also means FUNFUNday with T108 tmr. =) no rain for tmr please.
i'm supposed to mug today. supposed to. but, it became shopping day lah. hahaha. this is bad.
met up with tong first cos cha couldnt wake up on time despite me and tong calling her around 50 times. DEAD LOG. hahaha.
i heard about the mango sales. at first, it didnt appeal to me at all cos i thought it's just another round of sales for skinny bitches in tiny singapore. i was wrong. i saw quite a few nice tops lying around on the racks. i saw that top that fern wants. hahahaha. it's like dirt cheap here, seriously.
got myself two tops. i mean, it's so bloody cheap and i need new tops. so i found excuses to shop again.
then after mango, it's a mini zara walk. GOSH. i came out of the shop with a paper bag(compared to the low quality mango sales plastic bag). hahaha. just show me nice caption tees and i will do anything.
i was kidding about the anything part. bah.
no studies done today. at all. after cha left, daph came. and we all went around walking again to search for shorts shorts mini shorts.
i want to laugh. long tops are not meant to be dresses, darling. it's either a jeans underneath or LEGGINGS if you want. but, not nothing. it's... obscene. hahahahahha. i dont want the whole world to die by laughing at you. hahahahahahaha.
you wont be seeing me online tmr. i'll only be back on saturday.
i cannot wait!!!!
le noir;
10:02 PM
I got tagged by fernie fern fern!
Once you are tagged you MUST write an entry about 6 weird habits/things you do/odd information, as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names:
1. I sniff towels to sleep.
2. I am turned on by nice-smelling guys.
3. I like to squash ants with my fingers.
4. I like to look at people and how they dress though i myself can't really dress THAT well. aiya, i just like to bitch around.
5. I enjoy smacking people's tummies.
6. When there's wounds, esp that my mouth can kind of like reach them, i will suck the blood off and drink it in. HAHAHA.
I tag: i'm supposed to tag 6 other people. BUT, i'm breaking the rule. DO IT, EVERYONE!
le noir;
9:14 AM
was hanging around till lunchtime. me and badbrain thought we should leave. so yeah, we left. and we went separate ways. badbrain, u better stand strong. cos you can't let the wind blow you off. =) i went down to np to find daph and gang cos they were playing tennis. hahaha. i've got nothing else better to do too. so i zoom zoom down. but, actually i've got a lot of work to do. aye heck. bitter moments come later.
the day started in a bad way.
i mean, why can't visitors wear sandals or whatever shoes they want to school?
i asked. but the answer was bullshit. boo.
i miss taking the band for drills. hahahahahaha. it's like torture for them, and plain fun for me. woohoo. you know how much i long to sit in any of the seats there?
yeelu's baby.
my babies. i miss the low low sexy sound. teehee.
hahahaha derric's balls. he needs many of them. hahahahahahaha.
stars stars. hahahahahhahaa. we just found out that we've got a common special hobby. hahaha my insects-murder partner. =)
they do this pretty often.
sunny sunny afternoon.
i love the clouds.
sometimes, it's just nice to sit around doing nothing but talking and staring into space. let your mind go blank.
le noir;
12:21 AM
when was the last time you played by the beach with your loved ones?
le noir;
9:41 PM
teehee. i miss this bunch of people lah. seeing them is like a kind of bliss. =)
too bad i didnt bring my cam today. it's really like a camwhoring session.
woohoo. t108 oh so cool.
cya guys in a few more days time! i cannot wait for friday. teeheeheehee.
it's a good good monday to kick start the week. i can foresee a really enjoyable week ahead. especially friday.
and sunday too. cos my all-time favourite bimbo(don't angry lah. i like to call u bimbo leh) will be back in town again! i need to talk to her like BIG TIME! lucks to ur exam aight? quick quick, fly back quick!
i hate people who stare rudely. they ought to be shot dead, skinned alive and chopped into many many microscopic pieces.
u want to steal glances can lah cos that's what i do. (shhhh) BUT, you dont STARE. you mean your mama didn't tell you it's not right to stare at people for a long time, no?
brrrrrrrrr. kill them all kill them all!
i want to bake eh.
huihui, don't you laugh. hahahaha. ok lah. i bake nice nice cookies for you in like... december? it's december or nothing ah. so say yes. but erh, no muffins yet. hee.
was at school library today. and i found so many nice cookbooks around. jamie oliver was sitting there, waiting for me to pick him up.
i mean his cookbook. heehee.
i want to make desserts.
i want to bake.
le noir;
3:27 AM
it's a b-a-u-tiful sunny sunday. well not exactly sunny, but it's definitely beautiful.
was out with cha and daph doing some shopping. no idea why but i just feel like squandering.
met up with cha first. hahahaha. drinking jim beam at like 12pm is weird. hahaha. i want to laugh cos cha drank it with straw the night before. lol. tipsy over 5% alcohol. teeheehee.
then daph came. so we SHOPPED. wahahahahahahahahaha. we shopped(with cash and without cash) from marina square to town. whoosh.
hang around till like 6.30pm plus. oh my gosh. i love hanging around with them lah. it's like just H-A-N-G!
hahahahaha. nonsense i know.
then i went back to marina sq to find the ncos+barker peeps for dinner cos smelly meow going off to sydney tmr.
pizza hut for dinner. bishi bashi and photo hunt after which. gelare last. teeheehe. dont ask why i coloured my body. the question's sensitive.
hmmmm. i enjoyed my day today. =) hope you enjoyed yours to.
and oh. HAPPY DAD'S DAY!
i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings i hate leggings!!!!
they are instant fashion murderers. throw them all away! ALL!
i hate lizards. they always threaten to fall on me. eew. i hate reptiles.
but i love leather.
that's all for my usual random shit.
le noir;
11:59 PM
they say curiosity kills the cat.
i say boredom kills the bing.
mum has been complaining i haven't been staying at home for the past few days. i myself agree to that so i decided to be a good girl and stayed at home.
man. i spent most of the time yesterday to sleep. there's no one online for me to disturb. hahaha. and i've nearly watched most of the madtv series on youtube. i was super bored.
i was nearly murdered by boredom.
but but, i'm saved today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow's tomorrow, the day after tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow, the day after tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow, the day after tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow... erh, how many tomorrows already ah?
oh well, see, this is what boredom does to me.
i kind of miss school and class though i wanted the two weeks break damn badly.
i miss having to wake up at certain time of the day and zoom to school.
i miss going to lectures and tutorials.
T108, let's go out NOW!
i mean, soon. hahahahhahaha.
oh, hell yes. i can't wait for the bbq. woohoo.
even though i've been ranting about how staying at home is boring me out, i still kind of think that home is the safest place.
especially when i'm running low on cash. hahahahahhahahahahaah.
le noir;
10:10 AM
------------------------- it's really been a good(i meant it) day, like totally. i had my dosage of happiness today. i want more! i cannot wait to see everyone again! teehee. meanwhile, everyone please take good care of yourselves. =) the song "dancing queen" is stuck in my head. gosh.
i didn't know huihui's so horny. told you.
so i met up with the girls at causeway point. fancy them playing hide and seek with me cos i was late. aiya. but i was smart enough to find them. HA!
i miss them so much. it's been AGES since i last saw them, especially yanling and youhui. i miss my usual crapping routine with them in class.
so we makan at pastamania and camwhored. hee. huihui and youhui. AWWW.
me and yanling. heeeeeeeeeeee.
us. =)
MIA: stella. miss that hardworking girl.
then we hang around till 3 plus and i headed down to cityhall to meet up with fadhli and stuart. guess what? pastamania again. gosh.
then more people came to join us and we headed down to vch for the concert.that's ACJC band! they're going to sydney this coming monday for competition. all the best! bring back glory!
woo that's everyone of us with mel and justin! meow!
me and meow. =)
olsen, me and yiangshan. with fad and fred's smelly arses.
everyone of us again. =)
le noir;
12:26 AM
woo. virgin video post before this. hahaha. that explains why it's so out of place. hee.
i think that piece quite emo leh. i like the horn horn sound. so... heart draggish.
it's been long since any song make my hair stand so bad.
i want to play instrument NOW!
yes. so yesterday was like the farewell bbq for the graduating peeps. the moment i reached there, i was like,"i think i won't stay for long." hahaha. i think the juniors don't really know how to organise such events yet. but, nevermind. good effort. =)
and yeah, really, i didnt stay there for too long. around two hours, i went off with shud, gab and mel. we decided that causeway point will be a better place to hang out.
so we went to mac and ate our dinner. we chatted and laughed. hahhaa. walked around cwp and went to shud's house for a while. it's so funny to see mel laughing over everything. as in everything. she snorted like how i did. HAHAHA! it's contagious!
i so wish i could just stay over at shud's house and whine my night away. but nah. next time maybe.
i think there's this big fat worm that sucks my gastric juices in my tummy. i kept having tummyaches and diarrheoa every morning. bah.
going to find youhui and gang for lunch later. heeee. GOODIE! i havent seen them for a bloody long time.
wooo. i can't wait for acjc's concert in the evening. can't wait to see fad. stuart and the rest.
i need some serious laughs.
i need to escape from everything.
i need a mental break.
le noir;
8:57 AM
Canadian Brass: Quintet
le noir;
2:56 AM
u can't deny the fact that yesterday was a good day. hee.
i can foresee it will be a better day later. whee.
space out.
blank mind.
aimless stares.
jialat. that's what i've been doing more and more often. i still believe it's the weather.
yes, it is the weather. teehee.
i cannot wait to see my favourite band peeps later. yips!
reminds me of my farewell party with them. they freaking splashed half a bucket of cold water on me. mind you, i was wearing my beloved cheap nylon band tee alright. i remembered i got to squeeze water out from every piece of clothing on me. yes, every. inside outside. hahahahhaa.
those were the good ol` days.
i think i'm pregnant leh. i kept having this feeling that i want to puke but i can't. damn sick.
hmmm, but right, i think i am not cos my appetite is on the super low side and saya not craving for sour shit.
okay. i'm not pregnant.
hahahaha the previous chunk of nonsense sounded like i was talking to an imaginery friend. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. i like the word imaginery. teeheehee.
i've got seconds thoughts about da thang. as in not second thoughts, but it's like, i can sense rivalry. hahahaha. i feel like dying.
erh, tomorrow will be a better day, hopefully.
le noir;
2:51 AM
then i went down to town to find shud, mely and siying. ah, damn long never town with them alr. eyebrows plucked. i like the friendly service at mac. went down to balcony for a drink at 8 plus with sying and shud, and derric and daph. hahaha. kind of weird, but oh well. i hate toe cramps. p.s. for more pics, check out the link below.
went to school to hand in writcom(brr.). haha after which, we went down to holland v for some food at hairyjunior.
when hairy meets hairyjunior, junior suffers.
you see, hairy wants hairyjunior so badly, he doesnt mind giving him french kiss.
but thing is, hairyjunior doesnt want hairy's french, so he kind of forced himself into smooching. poor thing.
aiya, dumb.
hairy loves hairyjunior.
me and dajie. hee. she's very huggable.
hairy and me. hairy a bit. hahahahaha.
uncle shawn. i think he looks damn cute here. very kiddish.
daph and nicole, messing with hairyjunior.
hairyjunior damn dusty. i wonder how many people actually hugged it before. eeeew.
us. =)
le noir;
11:52 PM
i miss every single one of them
and many of those whom i didn't take pictures with.
memories can be captured onto the camera, but, it's always the time spent, jokes shared and laughters exchanged that will always stay with me.
hur. i really miss them many many.
it's only 10.58am and i'm feeling so emo.
tell me it's just the weather.
but i really miss them leh.
le noir;
10:22 AM
16 going on 17
Ngee Ann Poly
Bass clarinetist
- Holga 120SF
- Nice Caption Tees
- Big glam pumps
- Leather watch
- New big tote
- New birks
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
Aizat prom`05 Shuyan+Mike's day off to Aus
30th NCO Forum
MCM T108
chillout with mel
30th nco chalet
beautiful sunday
bowling outing
christmas eve @ hiding place
SWO Concert`05
Fern's day off to Aus
Friday bowl
NYDC + Towning
Meetup with buddies+MUSE