the three of us pulled through everything together. syf, school, stress, friends, family, boys... you name it, we've gone through it.
shud, i wish you can pull yourself together. no matter how much we say, i know you're still trap in your big dilemma. no hurry. take your time and think properly. you're really worrying me cos i have never seen you so affected by anything before. i want to see u soon.
fern, i wish u are here to console that woman with me. you better take care of yourself over there. don't let emotions run over you too. december is in like... 4 months time. i am so sure time will fly. i want to see you soon.
i want to hug u all now. i just realise how long i haven't been talking to all of u alr. i am certainly losing grip of u all. my bad.
but i really miss you guys. aye. i want to cry alr.
le noir;
12:34 AM
it's a really fabulous saturday friday today.
speech consultation was great.
assessed speech 3 result was not as bad as i thought it would be.
meeting up with mel, fad, stuart, jefri and benfang was really really enjoyable. they made me laugh like there's no tmr and definitely helped me bring back some joy that i have lost into my life. anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY STUART & JEFRI!!! i'll pass u guys ur presents next time. =)
to sum it all up, i love my day today.
le noir;
12:24 AM
so yeah. there's still like truckloads of pictures that are not yet uploaded. i wish blogger was faster. never mind. for the first time after so many days, i finally can slack the whole morning away just surfing the net for leisure. that explains why i can edit pictures too. the art of listening.
the weather wasn't what a happy person would like to see yesterday. it's like, no matter how happy you are, you will just weep looking at it.
hmmm, we can now all agree that there's a lil' bit of geisha in derric. candid. i like.
just see. don't speak. hahaha.
le noir;
11:12 AM
mum: the thunder is heard first. i doubt there will be rain later.
me: *widen my not-so-big eyes* wah. you think you weather goddess ah.
mum: u wait and see lor.
a while later, i went to look at the sky. the clouds were blown away and i saw a brighter side.
HUR, my mama is the goddess of weather. quick, worship her. hahahhahahaha.
i think i am not going to have a good night rest tonight. just pray hard enough for me.
le noir;
7:46 AM
today's a good sunday at home, listening to mum's crapping, dad's stories, bros didn't do anything except playing their own games at the desktops.
are you asking the obvious?
work, duh.
actually i miss the times being at home. serious. i missed out so many sundays at home cos have been going out in the name of *coughs* work. hahahahahahhaaha.
me: mummy ah, you know hor, that day right, i saw this pair of heels lah. damn hor, you know what, I CAN BLOODY FIT IN LEH!!!!
mum: *looks at me with that i-know-you-want-money-from-me-but-please-continue-your-story look*
me: but right... it's like kind of ex lah. like around 60 plus. but right, can be considered cheap cos it's after 50% discount. so hor...
mum: u getting them today ah?
me: most likely lah. (i was thinking DUH right. that's why i asked for cash!!!)
i walked off to get a glass of water and when i get back, i saw cash on the table. HAHAHAHAHAHA aiyo, mama loves me.
but it's like kind of paiseh to ask for money. i mean, i'm like 17 already ( not really lah, still 16 cos birthday not over yet. *coughs* 1221 *coughs*). kind of old to get cash from mama. perhaps i'll work during the holidays.
wahlaoeh. today's the last day of GSS. why does it feel like it's only yesterday that we have GSS? i want to get that bloody white men's shirt at G2000. damn damn damn.
it's already week 14. end of july. 4 months since school started. wahlao. is it just me or what? time sure does fly.
before i continue let it fly off, i shall sit on it and get some work done.
hold me now, i'm 6 feet from the edge and i'm thinking.
maybe 6 feet, ain't so far down.
le noir;
6:31 PM
at this ungodly hour of friday, i suddenly woke up cos i realise i fell asleep studying.
so i decided to study now.
why must the bloody cockcroach attack my room at this time?!
it's so big and fugly. and its feelers are really scaring me out cos they can curl and twirl.
fuck it. it went under my bed and didn't appear since then.
oh my gosh oh my gosh. somebody KILL it for me NOW.
go away you asshole. go away you asshole. go away you...
eeeeee it came out. so filthy big lah. it looks like a man is stuck in it. like a superhero in the pests world.
it kept going in circles. dumb asshead.
i wonder what's so good about my room lor. it went to my bros' room just now and came out so freaking fast. disgusting. i hate cockcroaches. they are so big and fat and fugly and disgusting and irritating. see that fucking thing is obstructing my studying time. if i'm not going to do well for this quiz, i am so going to skin that bastard son-of-a-bitch alive.
well maybe not. i think i'll just squeeze all its juices out. and tie it up with its own feelers. damn.
damn where is it?
le noir;
2:56 AM
greetings! libing says HELLO!!!
uh huh. that's me. quick, say hi!
you call this spastic.
we love reflections.
yes yes. someone please arrest her cos she's the one who's been molesting me since... long long ago. CALL THE POLICE NOW!
tong and cha.
that's wenzy and daph. =)
don't we just love consultation days?
socpsyc and phonetics. hurhur. no more sleep tonight.
le noir;
9:30 PM
just before you think everything comes to an end, it all started again, with more blast. hurhur. nevermind. HOLIDAYS soon, i guess.
i can see my blog collecting dust soon.
go catch pirates if you havent. funny, entertaining, lame. some parts i fell asleep cos i was drop dead sleepy. or was it the movie? hahaha *shrugs* but one thing, like fern and shud will totally agree with me, the music is DAMN GOOD. keeps reminding me of my ssw days. hahaha and i keep hearing that soli with eupho part. aiyo, damn nice damn nice.
i really hate those nehneh couples lah. they are so bloody irritating. hurhur. maybe i'm jealous (hahahahhahaha).
sometimes i wish i can just take buses to everywhere. people on the trains are getting onto my nerves sometimes. they are so toe-sucking gross. no courtesy at all! kiss my arse kiss my arse.
no use chasing after things/people that you've lost. it's time you treasure the things/people which/who are still around, by your side.
listen to missy higgins if you are all so blue. she will just make you blue-er. hahaha. be embraced in the power of music&words.
le noir;
9:34 AM
everyone should be happy cos RSSW attains a GOLD for their competition this morning!!!
man, i'm so proud of everyone of you!!! too bad i wasn't there to support you all physically but you all know, my moral support is always there. don't get too contented aight. the main competition is next year. GOLD for syf!!!!!!!
oh my gosh. reminds me of the last syf. the glory never goes off with time.
MORE GLORY next year.
and you all must be good if not mr neo will just POOF and be gone. treasure him aight. =)
oh my gosh. i am still damn happy for them.
le noir;
1:42 PM
it's amazing how things can change so drastically over time.
weather changes, situations change, places change, lizards change(they are growing fatter and uglier everyday), people change, i change.
perhaps everyone needs a break. i wish there's a switch so i can off it and everyone will just stop what they're doing and look around them. look at all those drastic changes. look at how many things you have lost and gave up along the way. look at what our priorities are. look at how somethings actually doesn't matter at all but you just can't seem to be not bothered cos people around are so paranoid about them. look at how situations can grab you and shape you into someone you are not. look at how everyone has anticipated and moved off suddenly.
gosh. it's actually more complicated than how it looks on the surface.
sometimes i wish i was blind.
but nah, such things are not worth my blindness. i've got a lot more beautiful people/things to look at. =)
dang, i missed rss' competition at vch. i hope they'll achieve what they want.
my energy has been drained out. i have not felt so lost spiritually since... i can't remember when.
i will be back in action soon. hurhur. i wish.
le noir;
11:19 AM
day by day, we are losing the thing call time.
the time that we use for catching up with friends
the time that we use for chatting with our family
the time that we use for watching tv
the time that we use for eating good meals
the time that we use for watching sunrise and sunset
the time that we use for reading a novel
the time that we use for listening to others' problems
the time that we use for good long satisfying sleep...
we all lose them.
and there's no way we can get them back.
i even lost the time to update a proper entry.
le noir;
12:14 AM
hoho. tmr's the start of the hardcore chionging assignments weeks. note, i said weekS. whoosh.
hur. i hate bad hair days. i mean, screwed hairstyle days. i want to spike them all up. ALL.
i think i am going to catch the world cup finals later. laugh people, LAUGH! libing and worldcup?! i know, ridiculous. but oh well, anticipation. hahaha or rather, to conform. woo, thanks socpsyc.
retail is always the best way to get one out of her/his stress zone. so, to all my fellow stressed up pals, please go and shop and generate the economy of singapore. you will be happy, so will the govt.
eh, so social studies. gosh i miss sec sch.
i want to laugh at the world.
ok. let me catch some handsome nap before i start to anticipate with the rest of the world.
le noir;
11:08 PM
good rest sure does some wonders.
maybe lack of good sleep is one of the root causes for all those emo shit that i've been going through in the mind.
i just remembered this line from yesterday's speechcom activity.
"life in a box is definitely better than no life at all." hahaha. how true.
work overload. bing not bloat. hahahaha. trying too hard to make things rhyme. bah.
right. work.
le noir;
11:04 AM
bloody hell.
i hate the workload. i hate tests. i hate the competition around. i hate the harsh reality. i hate it when people compare grades. i hate it when people are insensitive. i hate it when my grades are cumulative. i hate near to everything about school(except my classmates).
give me a break. really.
i think i've lost myself.
i have second thoughts about my presence in masscom.
tmr tmr! =)
I've got to make this life make sense. Can anyone tell what I've done. I missed the life. I missed the colours of the world. Can anyone tell where I am.
aye. what a life.
le noir;
11:26 PM
byebye slacky life. hello tedious life.
writing, speaking, presenting... u name it, we're going to do it.
i think my current life lacks commitment. i used to have so much devotion for band. now, i don't even have a cca and i hardly go back to rss for practice. ah, where are you, devotion?
hmmmm, actually, i think i still have passion for music. just that, i don't have much time to pursue. maybe i do. perhaps it's just laziness.
i miss those times when i have to carry my bass clarinet case back home or to wherever for practices. i miss the low low sexy round round tone.
yawns. work work and more work.
i want to watch good dramas now!
le noir;
10:31 PM
met with fern and shud near my house area. miss those days when we had nothing to do but just chat the day away at the bus stop. aye. good o' days. me and fern went off to town first before mely joined us. sales are like EVERYWHERE. how can one resist the temptation to BUY??? i spent the day talking and talking with fern, listening to her stories and sharing lots of mine. man, i really miss those days. mely came. and we talked, shopped, laughed, ate, drank and shitted. hahaha shitting didnt happen actually. oh, leggings are so annoying!!! i've never seen so many people wearing leggings within a day. my chants are not working. hmmmm. overall, it's really a good day cos i totally forgot about writcom and school while i'm with them. but, still, i got to come back to reality. damn it. fern!!! you better come out on monday! i freaking want to say a proper goodbye before you go back to aussie. please please, bimbo please. =) ------------- pimples are getting onto my nerves. i need a freaking haircut. i need to scrub my body. i need to start mugging. i need to work on writcom. i need to buck up. i need to go now. i need to say bye.
it's a good good day.
le noir;
11:03 PM
listen to the silence.
the precious silence.
too much noise around just won't work out at times.
breathe, everyone. take a breather. writcom is a pain in everyone's ass. we shall and must conquer it. breathe.
i just wish i was hardworking enough.
le noir;
1:14 AM
16 going on 17
Ngee Ann Poly
Bass clarinetist
- Holga 120SF
- Nice Caption Tees
- Big glam pumps
- Leather watch
- New big tote
- New birks
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
Aizat prom`05 Shuyan+Mike's day off to Aus
30th NCO Forum
MCM T108
chillout with mel
30th nco chalet
beautiful sunday
bowling outing
christmas eve @ hiding place
SWO Concert`05
Fern's day off to Aus
Friday bowl
NYDC + Towning
Meetup with buddies+MUSE