even though it has been raining whole day long, i enjoyed myself today. it's been long since i last felt this way.
it's youhui's birthday today and we went to have our lunch together.
i miss their company so much. i miss making them laugh. i miss poking fun at them. i miss crapping the whole day long with them. and i really miss how youhui get my jokes so quickly. HAHAHAHA.
me and the birthday girl. i miss u a lot girl!!!
after they went off, i went to find siying and shud. we went to watch click. goddamnit. cha! i so agree with you it's a good movie. it made me cry so hard.
and shud. take care man. i know what's bothering you. but seriously, pull yourself together for now. you've got more important things to focus on. cheer up darling. *hugs*
i've finally got my baby by my side. hahahahahaha.
mr prestige bass clarinet!!!
once again... happy birthday to youhui & rohai!!!! another two turning 17. old girls. HAHAHAHA.
le noir;
8:42 PM
go away, you big time loser.
stop being someone you're not.
oh you can't find yourself? i can understand that cos no one can find you too. you lost your damn self. or perhaps, it just never exist before.
better start looking for your life cos i don't see life in/near/around/anywhere close to you.
le noir;
9:48 AM
another thing for me to think.
ssw is coming after me.
haha no lah. as in they want me back.
why? cos they've got no bass clarinetist around.
do i look like a spare tyre to you, you, you and you? do i?
maybe they didn't mean it. but when i first saw what clement and cheryl said on msn, i can't help but to think in that way.
after thinking for the whole day, maybe i should go back and take a look. but i need to brush up on my playing. aye aye aye.
should i? should i not? brrr.
i've made up my mind to go back to ssw. i want my passion back.
when i listen to teriyaki boyz's tokyo drift(fast & furious), i want to laugh.
cos i remembered tiffany telling me it sounds like girls wanted to be fucked.
damn, it sounds like that.
le noir;
6:14 PM
for the very first time in the whole of my almost 17 years of living, i felt the greatest humiliation and discrimination today.
sensitive is my middle name, if you don't already know.
it was a bad omen when i first stepped in there. i always know sales isn't my thing. plus, certain people are so hardcore for sales so i decide to take a step back and allow them to move on.
that wasn't the point, really.
you know, the latest schedule just came in and goodness gracious me, i'm free from work for near to the whole week.
i should be glad though.
but, isn't that obvious? they're not going to use me anymore. and now, i felt like i've been used, like a sanitary pad. i'm soiled and i'm going to be disposed.
people always tell me how superficial this world is. i agree with that. but i've never thought it would come to me this harshly. it's a in-your-face kind of shit.
because you've got a better looking face, people approach you more often. you stand a higher chance of staying in the company and in the authorities' good books.
i'm not blaming the better looking people here. i'm just wondering why people still do not understand the importance of looking at a person from every aspect.
nevermind. i can close one eye. some things are better left unsaid.
but do you know how affected i am currently? i really have not felt so used in the whole of my life before.
thanks for discriminating and please do not come back again.
le noir;
8:47 AM
you know, there are always some people who will just make you smile all the time, especially for the fact that you guys havent seen each other in donkey years.
it was zat's and yaofeng's pre-birthday celebration. too bad the timing kind of clashed with my work time. sorry sorry.
believe it or not, i was smiling all the time when i was with them. i seriously miss them a lot. i wish we could hang out a little longer. now, i wonder when will be the next time we meet again? 32nd NCO POP? hahahahaha. we'll see.
You should never fight your feelings,
When your very bones believe them,
You should never fight your feelings,
You have to follow nature's law.
how true. that's embrace's nature's law for you.
le noir;
9:16 AM
wednesday is band day.
yeelu and i went back. gosh. i miss school a lot. as in, i miss attending lessons there.
so happen my darling's not in use today, hence i use it. haha. i'm so glad the new reeds came in. cos i was pleading for new reeds since... god knows when.. last year? yeah.
i joined them for the whole session. boy, it was good to be back at where you belong.
mr neo was ever-joky. he cracked the most irrelevant and eye-rolling jokes ever.
aye, too long never practised alr. i lost my tone. i'm so upset.
they played merry widow. i wish i can work on twelfth night. it's so challenging. i can run all over the place. haha.
i wish i can shout at them,"ask u all to pack up right? still playing there har? want to run is it? huh huh huh? QUICK! pack up!!! keep your stands. you've got only 5 minutes left! i need to lock the doors alr. GO NOW!!!"
wooo. good o' days of scolding hahaha.
i always sit on the left. ginny used to sit the my right. now weikuan. damn now i miss ginny.
thank you mr neo. goodbye mr neo. god bless you mr neo.
these are the words i'd never forget.
will you?
reminiscing the times.
the times that we all wont get to go back anymore.
the times that we all dreaded back then.
the times that we all were all so passionate about music and studies(perhaps not. oh well.)
i really really really wish to go back to rss now. i dont mind wearing that blue graph paper top back.
don't you miss rss too?
le noir;
12:02 AM
was going through my pictures on my desktop.
then i click on this folder - "Fern's day off to Aussie."
and i started watching the video.
aye. i miss u fernie.
le noir;
10:02 PM
work today was kind of alright.
people watching is what i've been doing most of the time. i'm lazy to go fight with the rest for sales. so i just watch the customers and look at all those products and play game.
aye. first day damn slack.
anyway, if any of u guys need ipods, macs, accessories etc, do go down to ishop k? hmmm preferably on the days i'm working. HAHAHAHA.
i feel like going back to secondary sch now.
i want to have a proper commitment - band.
i don't mind facing all those shit from the juniors. i don't mind spending hours nagging at them (but i know they mind). i don't mind sitting there for hours just for tuning. i don't mind wiping my bass clarinet's neck till it sparkle though it will not. i don't mind holding semibreves for the whole piece.
i want to see all my classmates, bandmates and juniors in school during morning assembly, recess, school dismissal.
i want to laugh at all those kids wearing long socks.
i want to be called by miss tan cos i talked too loudly.
i want to listen to vinodh's wrong pronunciations.
i want to laugh out loud at miss haslinda's witty jokes.
i want to do ten years series.
i want to mug at the library with my friends.
i want to crap my free periods away.
i really want to go back to those days.
now, i want to fart.
le noir;
11:28 PM
it didnt seem like a sunday today.
more like a typical weekday. to be exact, a typical slacky weekday.
watching vcd, eating chips, having dry swims... yes, life's like that now.
oh, but it'll end kind of soon cos i'm working tmr at cineleisure. do visit me at ishop. hahahaha. i will be there, being brainwashed by apple. wooohoooo.
i hate the stuffy humid weather nowadays. i can sweat without moving myself, not even a strand of hair.
i want to go to the beach. i want to spend my day looking at the sky and the not-so-blue and not-so-clean sea.
i want to... nevermind.
it's seriously been days.
le noir;
8:58 PM
i stoned my saturday away.
it was nice to see fad and stuart around. i miss their lame jokes damn much. work hard the two of u.
met up with yeelu after that. aye, i love her company.
i love long bus rides.
i wish there's fireworks every saturday.
it's been days.
le noir;
11:47 PM
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'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
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'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
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'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
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'What will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com |
le noir;
8:20 AM
the thing i dont like about holidays is that i will have too much spare time. and that's when all boredom starts.
aye. and that's why i'm blogging.
i don't wanna close my eyes. i don't wanna fall alseep. cos i miss u baby and i don't miss a thing...
sometimes, people set the targets way too high and push themselves to work so hard just to meet their targets. in the midst of working hard, they lose their damn selves and they simply can't see what's going on around them. sometimes, you just need to take a breather from all these shit. bear in mind you guys are not superman/superwoman. even machines need breaks. you guys too.
so... my dearest graduating juniors, jc kids, overseas pals and whoever it may concern, please rmb to rest well. i still want to see everyone of u all in one big piece.
i am bloody bored.
le noir;
7:55 PM
i still know nuts about adjusting the video size. aye. nevermind. do listen to it yeah. it's so nice. both tones are so seasoned and definitely breath-taking.
sometimes i am amused by how aunties think their jokes are funny. i've been accompanying my mama to grocery shopping for two consecutive mornings. and i think this one is really... not working.
auntie 1: wah, you know that condo like very little people stay hor.
auntie 2: ya lor ya lor. aiya cos i never buy an apartment there mah.
auntie 1: *laughing out loud*
me: *cover eyes*
give me ten reasons to laugh out loud at such... so called jokes.
le noir;
8:39 AM
Emilee & Fumiaki Miyamoto - Skirl ( Kazabue )
go watch!
le noir;
8:34 AM
finally, everything's down.
writcom down!
radio down!
i havent been so hardcore for any assignments before. i mean, i dont stay up all night and stayover at other people's places to complete them.
i dedicated my sunday to writcom. first we were at daph's hse. hey daph, thanks for hosting us there and feeding us with so much snacks, food and drinks. really appreciate that. then at night, we went down to derric's hse. work, nap, music, work work work. thanks for having us there too. thanks for freezing me and daph. HA.
a whole morning and afternoon of chionging. finally over!
i'm currently super duper drained. i need to rest. good night my people. i shall blog tmr.
le noir;
11:36 PM
let me quote derric...
"today's a good day..."
hmmm i thought so too. even though proposal was killing the three of us (daph, derric, me), we still enjoyed ourselves. got to thank daph's mum to host us there and feed us with A LOT of food. i mean, A LOT!!! seriously. hahaha.
fireworks was kind of disappointing. i thought it would be better than ytd's, which was like super breath-taking. but oh well.
it was good just sitting around, doing things that we've not been doing for so long.
i hate crowds.
damn i'm tired.
i want my holidays now!!!!
le noir;
12:27 AM
speech down.
two more on the list - radio and writcom.
bless me.
being slammed down straight in the face is never a good experience, especially after you have thought it would work well.
harsh reality.
i feel it all coming back. it's either my own illusion or it's real. i don't know.
routined life no more, soon. aiya, i cannot wait for monday to come.
i so want to go to compass' concert tmr. BUT, all thanks to writcom, i think i'm going to be a good girl and finish up all the shit.
BUT i really want to watch them eh. i mean, it's like once or twice in a year. brrr. i want to c my cousin band members.
speaking of which, i miss band so much so that words cannot describe how i feel alr.
it's been months since i last touched my instrument. it's been months since i last visited the band. it's been months since i last saw mr neo. it's been months since everything to do with band happened.
i miss band.
le noir;
12:10 AM
ytd was a very enjoyable day because i get to go back to riverside and see all my long time no see buddies.
sea of red riversidians. seriously, for the next few weeks people shld stop wearing red. it makes me so anxious when i see so many people wearing red.
i miss these two girls.
oh that's mrs chua's daughter, charmaine. so damn cute right? beautiful eyes. pretty lil' girl.
hahaha. i miss miss haslinda lah. she is still as funny. i miss all her jokes and witty comments.
du lao shi!
a bunch of act cute people. HAHAHAHAHA. me excluded. oops.
me and shaun. hahaha nicer hair now dude! curly hair no more!
4/6`05 with addition of two 4/8`05 people. hahaha. aiya i miss 4/6. eh people chalet again!!!
mrs tan.yanling.mrs singh.me. i still mrs tan makes a good principal. i seriously miss rss a lot.
us with mr cheong. hahaha.
me roxanne and yanni. =)
it was seriously great to see my people back in riverside. i just wish ive got all the time in the world to crap with them and make them laugh. really. AND, congrats to yellowteneverything and moneygirl. hahaha.
too bad youhui wasnt there to share their joy. man i miss that girl like hell.
then i got back to np for national day countdown thing.
josh cha me.
me and tong went down to holland v to work on our speech.
there's fireworks so we decided to meet cha, daph, derric and siraj at esplanade. BUT, the crowd looked threatening and i was totally grossed out. jam was horrendous and i watch the fireworks from the bus. cha was stuck at one place. the rest at the other. damn dispersed. i want to watch it again!!!
i have a fucking toothache. it's like menstrual cramp gone wrong. not down there, but up here.
le noir;
7:58 PM
final assignments are driving everyone mad. everything is somewhere there, but still a lil' distant from the destination. oh well, we can all do it!
HANG IN THERE, fellow t108-ers.
think 14th Aug. think holidays. think end of sem. think me! HAHAHAHA.
i think bugis is going to be my next home. i've going there for the fourth time since last week. as in kind of continual trips down. national lib there, miss clarity there, cheap thrills there, "suicidal" people there. hahaha. everything's there.
OHOHOH! if anyone is free enough, do watch this korean drama "goong". it's ass-spanking good. a must-watch this month. MUST WATCH!!
luckily i have tong with me so i can ogle at the pretty and charming lead actors with her. trust me, it's good. it's so good till i bring the discs to school and watch. so it's fucking awesome. WATCH!!!
currently, i'm anticipating tmr. big time anticipation cos i get to see my dearest ex-classmates. wahlao. it's like centuries since i last saw them. i want to see miss haslinda, mdm sarojini, du lao shi, mrs chua and miss tan!!! i miss them. i can see my juniors. hohohohohooho. i cannot wait for time to fly.
i am so freaking excited.
by the way, i didn't have any intention to blog tonight. BUT, apparently, somebody demanded an entry from me. SOOOOOOOO, being a very very nice friend, i grant her wish. what more do you want from me har, CHARISSA HE QING FANG!!!???
oh, i just remembered i saw junsheng and cheeonn today. then, this girl wearing leggings (! LACEY ONES! help!!!) walked pass us.
cheeonn: wah... so style hor... (please sense the sarcasm within)
junsheng: it's like a pair of incomplete stockings.
hahaha i burst out laughing. SEE, leggings are mamafucking murderous.
hoho. good night world.
le noir;
10:50 PM
last socpsyc tutorial yesterday. last assessed presentation for socpsyc. 3 more to go.
mr tang: see... this is very good for you and your family. so you got to get this insurance from me.
mr eng: hmmm... hmmmm....
haha. DEAL!
but i've got no idea why mr tang decides to hang himself. poor chap.
ho. haha. eh first time t108 top the crowd that is taking socpsyc this sem under mcm. heehee. WE ARE HAPPY PEOPLE!
me dajie and daph.
it's alr like 4 months and my class hasnt taken a full class picture together. so... i decided to take one yesterday. hmmm not one, but many many.
all the smelly faces. hahaha. josh became a phantom. shannon was hidden at the back.
i can't but laugh at this picture everytime. it's one of the best shots ever. hahahaha. because if you look carefully, it looks like uncle is groping cha's ass. HAHAHAHA!
it seems like next wed is national day. i'm losing track of time. i can't even feel public holidays. everyday is working day. no weekends. poor thing poor thing.
i just remembered i need to go back to rss this coming tue. good! i can see my people again! teehee. and YES! no radio! OOPS. nono, i love radio. but nono, i want rss more for now.
sometimes i wonder why some people can still actually walk around campus with vacuum in their skull. at the age of average 18, you better think like one. oh wait a minute, you can't. airheads don't think. i promise i will teach you how to spell losers one day. bully my girl one more time and you will just melt under all those shitty sunrays.
brrr. i wish there's this machine that captures all those dimwits at one go. because this world is way too smart for them. so much so that they are actually quite distant from the world. fucking nincompoops. get a life because life is nowhere near you.
but it's okay if you don't because you don't deserve to have one. now just wait for your turn to disappear on earth.
big time fucking losers.
le noir;
8:57 PM
bloody hell. it's august alr. so damn fast.
another four more months, it will be december.
heehee. december. *winks* heehee.
i smell the fragrance of holidays. how about you?
oh, maybe you don't. but i do. i do i do i do.
sudden slacky life makes you skeptical. you will just keep question yourself whether you've done this or that.
and HOHO. here's a list of final assignments.
- Socpsyc Assessed tutorial 2 (this friday)
- Final Speech (week 16)
- Proposal (14.8.06)
- Radio Capsule (14.8.06)
scratch my ass scratch my ass.
give me a vintage polaroid camera now.
le noir;
1:25 PM
16 going on 17
Ngee Ann Poly
Bass clarinetist
- Holga 120SF
- Nice Caption Tees
- Big glam pumps
- Leather watch
- New big tote
- New birks
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
Aizat prom`05 Shuyan+Mike's day off to Aus
30th NCO Forum
MCM T108
chillout with mel
30th nco chalet
beautiful sunday
bowling outing
christmas eve @ hiding place
SWO Concert`05
Fern's day off to Aus
Friday bowl
NYDC + Towning
Meetup with buddies+MUSE